From end of Lecture 1 4.THINKING SOCIOLOGICALLY 4.1 Pivotal Idea: rules govern actions 4.2 Six Basic Sociological Ideas about Social Rules 1. Rules are enforced 2. Rules come in many diverse forms 3. Rules are not neutral – winners & losers 4. Rules are backed by power 5. Rules are often inconsistent 6. Rules change over time
Steps to answer the question: “What kind of society is this?” What are the main dimensions in terms of which societies vary? What are the main categories or types on each dimension? Which of these types best describes the United States?
Ten dimensions on which societies vary Technology The economy Economic Inequality Political Institutions Role of the Military Gender relations Social cleavages Immigration Culture Violence & Repression
Other Dimensions?
Some points to emphasize
1. Technology: how do technologies vary? Productivity Cost and economies of scale Impact on people’s lives Key theme: The US has achieved extraordinary levels of productivity that open up huge new human possibilities, but the use of this productivity to enhance overall wellbeing is undermined by our institutions.
Basic Definition of “Capitalism” 2. The Economy: Basic Definition of “Capitalism” Production is for the market Enterprises are privately owned and run for profits. People who do not own enterprises earn their living by working as employees for privately owned firms.
What kind of capitalism? U.S. Capitalism = HYPER-CAPITALISM powerful gigantic corporations weak unions relatively weak public regulation of markets very low taxation
Rank (2008) Gross Domestic Product (billions of U.S. dollars, 2008) 1 United States $15,685 2 China 8,227 3 Japan 5,694 4 Germany 3,401 5 France 2,609 6 United Kingdom 2,441 7 Brazil 2,396 8 Top 10 U.S. Corporations 2,225 9 Russia 2,022 10 Italy 2,014 11 India 1,825 12 Canada 1,819
What kind of capitalism? U.S. Capitalism = HYPER-CAPITALISM powerful gigantic corporations weak unions relatively weak public regulation of markets very low taxation
3. Economic Inequality Key theme: Consequences: The US has the highest levels of economic inequality and poverty of all developed economies. Consequences: Around 23% of children are poor in the US, compared to 5-15% in other rich countries. Richest 1% of households have 114 times more wealth than the median household Things have gotten much more unequal in the past three decades
4. Political Institutions The U.S. has a democratic form of government, but it is a relatively thin democracy Key theme: As a society we spend more on political competition than any other, and yet this yields only a thin form of democracy. Why?
5. The Military and Global Power Key Theme: The United States is a relatively militaristic society and has generally adopted a militarily aggressive policy internationally. The U.S. has intervened militarily in more countries since WWII than any other nation.
6. Gender Key theme: We are living in the midst of the most dynamic and rapid transformation of gender relations in human history.
7. Social Cleavage: Race Key theme: Racial inequality and racial cleavage remains a deep and serious reality of American life in spite of the very real progress in the last half century.
8. Immigration Key theme: A cliché: We are a nation of immigrants. Periodically throughout our history there has been what are called “nativist” backlashes against immigrants. In the 19th century, against the Irish. In the early 20th century against Eastern and Southern Europeans. Now, against Hispanics.
9. Culture Important aspects of U.S. Culture: Culture = shared patterns of beliefs and values Important aspects of U.S. Culture: Pluralism and tolerance of diversity Individualism Community Religiosity Commercialism & consumerism Other aspects? Friendliness? Informality?
10. Violence & repression Key theme: The United States is an extremely violent society. More murders and assaults per capita by far than any other wealthy society. And more prisoners per capita than any other country: 25% of the world’s prisoners are in the U.S.