North America Regional Standards Committee (NA RSC) Liaison Report December 2011 NARSC Report - December 2011
Outline Current Structure of NA Standards Committees NARSC Fall 2011 Meeting Overall TC/WG Updates Upcoming Events Regional Staff Contact Information NARSC Report - December 2011
Current Structure of the NARSC [1/2] NARSC Chair: Jackie Ferrell (ISMI) Chair: Sean Larsen (LAM Research AG) Vice-Chair: Mark Crockett (MEMSMART) Automated Test Equip Ajay Khoche (Khoche Consulting) Gases Tim Volin (Parker Hannifin) Microlithography Wes Erck (W.Erck & Associates) Rick Silver (NIST) Traceability Win Baylies (BayTech Group) Yaw Obeng (NIST) Compounds Jim Oliver (Northrup Grumman) Russ Kremer (Freiberger) Information & Control David Bricker (AMAT) Jack Ghiselli (Consultant) Lance Rist (RistTex) PIC Mutaz Haddadin (Intel) Matt Fuller (Entegris) HB-LED Iain Black (Philips) Chris Moore (Semilab) Bill Quinn (Veeco) David Reid (Silian) EHS (NA) Chris Evanston (Salus Engineering) James Beasley (ISMI) Sean Larsen (LAM Research) Eric Sklar (Safety Guru) Liquid Chemicals Frank Flowers (FMC) Frank Parker (ICL Performance) Photovoltaic (PV) Win Baylies (BayTech Group) James Moyne (Applied Materials) 3DS-IC Chris Moore (Semilab) Sesh Ramaswami (AMAT) Urmi Ray (Qualcomm) Rich Allen (SEMATECH) MEMS / NEMS Win Baylies (BayTech Group) Mark Crockett (MEMSMART) PV - Materials Lori Nye (Brewer Science) Dick Hockett (Evans Analytical) Facilities Phil Naughton (AMAT) Steve Lewis (CH2M Hill) New► Silicon Wafer Noel Poduje (SMS) Dinesh Gupta (STA) Mike Goldstein (Intel), vice-chair Technical Architects Board (TAB) James Moyne (AMAT) Yaw Obeng (NIST) Metrics David Bouldin (Fab Consulting) Mark Frankfurth (Cymer) FPD (NA) Bill Colbran (Engenuity) New► NARSC Report - December 2011
Current Structure of the NARSC [2/2] NARSC Chair: Jackie Ferrell (ISMI) Chair: Sean Larsen (LAM Research AG) Vice-Chair: Mark Crockett (MEMSMART) FPD (Korea) Jong Seo Lee (Samsung) Il-Ho Kim (LMS) EHS (Taiwan) Shuh-Woei Yu (SAHTECH) Fang-Ming Hsu (TSMC) 3DS-IC (Taiwan) Tzu-Kun Ku (ITRI) Wendy Chen (King Yuan Electronics) Yi-Shao Lai (ASE) FPD Metrology (Korea) Jong Seo Lee (Samsung) Il-Ho Kim (LMS) FPD (Taiwan) Tzeng-Yow Lin (ITRI) Jia-Ming Liu (TDMDA) Facilities (Korea) Kwang Sun Kim (KUT) Insoo Cho (Shinsung ENG) I&C (Taiwan) Robert Chien (TSMC) Photovoltaic (Taiwan) Jeff Lee (Chroma) B.N. Chuang (CMS/ITRI) J.S. Chen (PVTC/ITRI) Ray Sung (UL Taiwan) I&C (Korea) Chulhong Ahn (Hynix) Sammy Jeong (KC Tech) Gunwoo Lee (Miracom) Regional Committees & Working Groups EHS WG (Korea) Seoung Jong Ko (Hynix) Hyunsuk Kim (Samsung Elec.) NARSC Report - December 2011
NARSC SEMICON Fall 2011 Meeting (October 23) Meeting Highlights: Supported formation of the China PV Committee NARSC Joint Regulations WG / Planning Meeting Reactivated the discussion of requirements and development of procedures that would enable remote voting in TC meetings Gathered inputs for Standards training materials for new members and TC/TF leadership Discussed possible approaches for NA leadership succession plan NARSC Report - December 2011
Schedule -at-a-glance Physical Interfaces & Carriers NA Standards Fall 2011 Meetings October 24-27 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 NARSC EH&S Facilities & Gases Liquid Chemicals Information & Control MEMS/NEMS HB-LED Metrics Schedule -at-a-glance Photovoltaic Physical Interfaces & Carriers Silicon Wafer Traceability ATE 3DS-IC Locations - SEMI - AMAT - Intel NARSC Report - December 2011
Overall TC/WG Updates (from NA Fall 2011 Meetings) Org. Name Last met on: Progress (p) / Concern (c) / Ballot to be issued (b) / Others (o) NA 3DS-IC Committee October 25, 2011 Inspection & Metrology TF: (b) Doc. 5269 (Terminology for Through Silicon Via Geometrical Metrology) to be balloted for C1-12 Bonded Wafer Stacks TF: (b) Doc. 5173 (Guide for Describing Materials Properties and Test Methods for a 300 mm 3DS-IC Wafer Stack) to be balloted for C1-12 Thin Wafer Handling TF: (b) Doc. 5175 (New Standard: Guide for Multi-Wafer Transport and Storage Containers for Thin Wafers) to be balloted for C1 or C2-12 NARSC Report - December 2011
Overall TC/WG Updates (from NA Fall 2011 Meetings) Org. Name Last met on: Progress (p) / Concern (c) / Ballot to be issued (b) / Others (o) NA HB-LED Committee October 27, 2011 (p) New Task Force: Impurities & Defects in HB-LED Sapphire Wafers Wafer TF: (b) Doc. 5265 (Specification for 150 mm Diameter Sapphire Wafers for HB-LED Applications) to be balloted for C1-12 Equipment Automation TF: (p) Developing draft for 150 mm open cassette standard (p) Discussing requirements for load port standard (p) Reviewed and discussed results from automation software survey (o) Continuing discussion on HB-LED operational safety NARSC Report - December 2011
Overall TC/WG Updates (from NA Fall 2011 Meetings) Org. Name Last met on: Progress (p) / Concern (c) / Ballot to be issued (b) / Others (o) NA Automated Test Equipment Committee October 25, 2011 (b) Doc 4782C (STDF) passed TC review (b) G79 & G80 (digital timing accuracy) reapprovals passed TC review NA Compound Semiconductor Materials Committee September 13, 2011 (b) 5-Year Review ballots for M9.3, M9.4, and M9.8 (polished monocrystalline GaAs wafers) for C1-12 NA EHS Committee October 27, 2011 (o) AMHS Safety TF disbanded (o) S22 revision (4605E) and S2 revision (non-ionizing radation – 4774B, removal of burrs/sharp edges – 4449C LI1) passed TC review (b) S8 rev (ergonomics – 5009) and S2 rev (¶ 3.3 limitations – 5171) for C2-12 (o) Adopted a preference that S8 be a delayed revision document, synchronized with S2 NA Facilities & Gases Committee (p) Doc 4737D (Guide for Heater Systems Requirements) passed TC review (b) Several 5-Year Review ballots (reapprovals/revisions) passed TC review + more balloted for C1/C2-12 including reapproval for F47 (voltage sag) NARSC Report - December 2011
Overall TC/WG Updates (from NA Fall 2011 Meetings) Org. Name Last met on: Progress (p) / Concern (c) / Ballot to be issued (b) / Others (o) NA I&C Committee October 26, 2011 (p) New TF: Energy Saving Equipment Communication (o) Data Quality TF disbanded (o) Allowed E95 (human interface) to go into Inactive status (b) Ballot 5002A (New Common EDA Metadata) failed TC review + New E54 subordinate standards (5181, 5102A) passed TC review NA Liquid Chemicals Committee October 25, 2011 (p) New TF: F39 & F41 Re-write (b) F57 revision (4555A) passed TC review (b) 5-Year Review for C20, C24, C26, C33, C41, C46, C47, C48, and C51 to be balloted for C1-12 NA MEMS / NEMS Committee October 24, 2011 (p) MS2 (step-height measurements) and MS4 (Young’s Modulus measurements) revision ballots passed TC review (b) New Guide on Fluid Permeation (5266) and MS1 reapproval (wafer-to-wafer bonding) to be balloted for C1-12 NARSC Report - December 2011
Overall TC/WG Updates (from NA Fall 2011 Meetings) Org. Name Last met on: Progress (p) / Concern (c) / Ballot to be issued (b) / Others (o) NA Metrics Committee July 13, 2011 (b) Ballots passed TC review: E10, E35, E140 revs; E113, E135, E136, E143 reapprovals; and new Guide for Handling Extremely Electrostatic Sensitive (EES) items. Ballot failed TC review: E33 (EMC) rev (o) Reported IP assessed as potentially material and technically justified to E10. SEMI to pursue LOA process (o) E10 Rev & Equip Productivity Metrics TFs merged = Equipment RAMP Metrics TF (b) Doc 5169 (E78 rev, ESD) to be balloted for C1 or C2-12 NA Microlithography Committee July 12, 2011 (b) Several 5-yr review docs reviewed at West, more to be balloted early 2012 for meeting at SPIE 2012 NA PI&C Committee October 26, 2011 (p) Ballots passed TC review: E144 (RFID) rev + E158 (450 FOUP)/E159 (450 MAC) revs + E1.9, E47, E47.1, E62, E64, E119 reapprovals + E7 withdrawal (b) E152 rev (5263, EUV pod) to be reballoted for C1-12 NARSC Report - December 2011
Overall TC/WG Updates (from NA Fall 2011 Meetings) Org. Name Last met on: Progress (p) / Concern (c) / Ballot to be issued (b) / Others (o) NA PV Materials Committee October 26, 2011 (o) Dick Hockett (Evans Analytical) appointed as co-chair (b) Two test methods (resistivity & TCO) + 2 chemical (2-propanol & sulfuric acid) passed TC review. Test method on Inductively Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (#4675B) failed; reballot for C1 or C2-12 NA Silicon Wafer Committee (o) Mike Goldstein (Intel) appointed as vice-chair (b) Several 5-Year Review ballots passed TC review. MF1535 (carrier lifetime) reapproval failed TC review. (p) New Test Method for Non-Contact Wafer Diameter Measurement (5344) (b) M49 and M62 to be revised to include 450 mm (p) M1-1111 published – includes 450 mm polished wafer NA Traceability Committee October 27, 2011 (b) T4 withdrawal (150/200mm Pod ID) + T10 reapproval (2D Matrix Direct Mark Quality) to be balloted for C1-12 NARSC Report - December 2011
NA Standards Spring 2012 Meetings April 2-5 SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California Inviting local companies willing and able to host some of the meetings to maintain one-week format Final schedule, including meeting/hosting locations, to be announced soon NARSC Report - December 2011
Upcoming NA Meetings Event Name Event Type Contents NA Standards Spring 20112 Meetings Standards Meetings April 2-6, 2012 SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California NA HB-LED Committee TF and Committee Meetings February 7-9, 2012 In conjunction with Strategies in Light Conference Santa Clara, CA NA Microlithography Committee Committee Meeting February 12-16, 2012 In conjunction with SPIE Advanced Litho Conference San Jose, CA NA Compound Semiconductor Materials Committee April 23-26, 2012 In conjunction with CS MANTECH Boston, MA NARSC Report - December 2011
NA Standards Staff Changes Paul Trio Sr. Manager, NA Standards Operations Operations Committees: NARSC / I&C / ATE / MEMS / Microlithography, HB-LED / 3DS-IC Meetings & Events Planning General Information STEPS/Workshops and Sponsorships Kevin Nguyen Manager, NA Standards Committees Committees: Facilities / Gases / PV / PV Automation / PV Materials / Silicon Wafer / Traceability Standards Website Provisional: Contact Paul Trio ( or Kevin Nguyen ( Committees: Compounds Semiconductor Materials / EHS / FPD / Liquid Chemicals / Metrics / PIC Hiring of new NA Standards staff has been completed. Official announcement by the end of the month. NARSC Report - December 2011
3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134 U.S.A. Regional Staff Contact Information Name Paul Trio E-mail Phone +1.408.943.7041 Office Address 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134 U.S.A. Committees In charge NARSC Automated Test Equipment / HB-LED / 3DS-IC / Information & Control / MEMS / Microlithography NARSC Report - December 2011
Thank you! NARSC Report - December 2011