Premises Assurance Model Patient Experience SAQ P4 – How does your organisation/site ensure that NHS Catering Services provide adequate nutrition and hydration through the choice of food and drink for people to meet their diverse needs? 09/08/17 Programme Bit about us to set the context Bit about PAM and how it works WSFT experience Resources
Guidance 1. Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: and CQC Guidance for providers on meeting the regulations Regulation 14: Meeting nutritional and hydration needs (FS) 2. NHS Estates (2000) Reducing food Waste in the NHS Department of Health. Better Hospital Food 3. Hospital Catering Association – Protected Mealtimes 4. Council of Europe Resolution food and nutritional Care in hospitals NHS England – 10 Key Characteristics of Good Nutritional Care in Hospitals 2006 5. Food Service at Ward Level with Healthcare food and Beverage Service Standards – a guide to ward level services – 2009 6. Water for Health – Hydration Best Practice Toolkit for Hospitals and Healthcare 7. NHS Executive ‘Hospital catering delivering a quality service.’ 8. NHS Code of Practice for the manufacture, distribution and supply of food, ingredients and food related products. Programme Bit about us to set the context Bit about PAM and how it works WSFT experience Resources
Guidance 9. Improving Nutritional Care – a joint action plan from the department of health and nutrition summit stakeholders 10. HCA Ward Service guide 11. British Diatectic Association Improving Outcomes through Food and Beverage Services Nutritional & Hydration digest 12. The Government Buying Standards (GBS) for Food and Catering Services 13. NHS Standards Contract 14.The Hospital Food Standards Panel Report 15. British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition - Malnutrition Screening Tool 16. Public Health England - Healthier and More Sustainable Catering Nutrition Principles 17. A Toolkit to Support the Development of a Hospital Food and Drink Strategy 18. CQC Provider Handbooks E1.4. How are people’s nutrition and hydration needs assessed and met? Programme Bit about us to set the context Bit about PAM and how it works WSFT experience Resources
SAQ Evidence 1) Organisation provides a choice of nutritious and appetising food Menus Special Diets info Nutritional policy Food strategy policy E&F Governance report 2) Food and hydration meets reasonable requirements 3) Patients have accessible information about meals and meal arrangements Details on reverse of menu for meal times and options Vending machines – out of hours Menus including option to select snacks New app using QR code to access menus Programme Bit about us to set the context Bit about PAM and how it works WSFT experience Resources
SAQ Evidence 4) PLACE assessment Meal distribution list Protected meal time procedure PLACE improvement plan Sample PLACE assessment 5) Systems or processes additional to PLACE Meeting with Dieticians Patient questionnaire results Analysis of questionnaires Quality manual Feedback from patients/visitors (letter, emails, etc) 6) NHS Standard Contract compliance ISO – Government purchasing standards SOIL association bronze award 7) Does the organisation have a food and drink strategy Food Strategy policy Programme Bit about us to set the context Bit about PAM and how it works WSFT experience Resources
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