Bell Ringer – Feb 27 Describe at least 3 ways how energy flows/moves through this ecosystem.
The Cycling of Matter and Energy (Page 109) Essential Question How does matter and energy cycle, or move, through the environment?
A) Photosynthesis *Producers --Plants --Algae 1. How do organisms get their energy? A) Photosynthesis *Producers --Plants --Algae
How do organisms get their energy? B) Energy from food **Consumers -Animals eating other organisms (plants or animals)
2 - How does matter and energy cycle, or flow, through an ecosystem? A) Matter and energy is conserved *Law of conservation of matter and energy Matter and Energy cannot be created or destroyed
*Law of conservation of energy *solar energy *chemical energy *Law of conservation of energy
B) Matter and energy flows (moves) through an ecosystem by organisms eating others
Energy pyramid
C) Matter and energy moves through an ecosystem by decomposition
D) Matter and energy moves through an ecosystem by combustion
Cycling of Matter and Energy in Ecosystems Essential Question How does matter and energy move through the environment?
Quick Write - How does matter and energy move through the environment? Conclusion Quick Write - How does matter and energy move through the environment?