FARC counterterrorism: Military ops (1964-1982) President Turbay (1978-1982) 1964 operation in Marquetalia
First attempts at amnesty & Political parties 1984 La Uribe Agreement UP: political party formed for the FARC and others who identified themselves similarly in terms of their political platform President Belisario Betancur (1982-1986)
WHEN NEGOTIATIONS FAILED Under Pres. Betancur President Pastrana (1998-2002) Approximately 4000-6000 UP members killed after 1986 elections
U.S. INVOLVEMENT AND PLAN COLOMBIA President Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010) President Uribe & President Bush FARC guerrillas in front of sign against US involvement and Plan Colombia
2016: Successful counterterrorism Peace between Colombian government and FARC agreed in 2016 and disarmament completed in June of 2017 President Santos (left), Raúl Castro (middle), FARC leader Londoño