Anger Management By: Duaa Al Jabri
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), who was sent to mankind to teach them good moral conduct, learned to control his anger toward the Unbelievers and teach them appropriate expressions. We Muslims, are followers of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), right? What better example of patience do we have than that of our own blessed Prophet himself?
The best example of this was when the Prophet went to a place called Ta'if. He went to this town in the hope that they would listen to what he had to say.
Instead he was insulted and chased out of the town by the children who threw stones at him till (it was described) the blood flowed from his body to his feet making his sandals sticky with his own blood!
Angel of the mountains asked for the Prophet's permission to fold the mountains together and crush to death all those that lived there..
“No !! I hope Allah will bring from them people who will worship Allah alone, associating none with Him”
“Give me some advice by virtue of which I hope for good in the life hereafter” "Don't be angry."
“0 Messenger of Allah, give me an order to do a short good deed” "Don't be angry."
"Who among you do you consider a strong man?" They said, the one who can defeat so-and-so wrestler in a fight! He said: that is not so. The one who is strong is the one who can control himself at the time of anger So being angry is similar to being drunk. In both cases, we do not know what we are doing, hurting ourselves or someone else, and afterwards when the intoxication is over, we repent.
How can we defeat anger? Control this feeling and do not let it lead us to what's wrong and forbidden in Islam. Avoid too much sensitivity that makes you "deaf, dumb and mute”. Change your body position Pray to Allah to take control if you're standing up, sit down, and if you're sitting down stand up. If this didn't work, then go and wash and get prepared for praying
“Turn the other cheek"