What can we say about relations between the British colonists and Native Americans?
British Exploration of America The three regions of the British colonies had distinct social, economic, political, and geographical features. England’s ambivalence towards the Native American’s led to trade, treaties, and war.
What were the main motivational factors that led England to explore the New World? 1578 Humphrey Gilbert Receives a charter from England Expedition to Newfoundland Colony was a failure Drowned at sea in 1583
What were the main motivational factors that led England to explore the New World? Gilbert’s half-brother, Walter Raleigh steps in. Main motivation is resources Pays an expedition landing in present day Virginia Another group is sent in 1585 founding Roanoke Island. Life is very difficult Fight with the Native Americans Colonists do not know how to grow food and hunting Roanoke Island colony fails.
Roanoke Island Colony resettled by John White -1585 Known as the “Lost Colony” White’s granddaughter is the first English child born in the United States. White returns to England. He comes back to Roanoke colony in 1590. Colony is deserted. White finds the “Croatoan” carved into a post White remembers: “And thus we [stopped] seeking our colony, that was never any of them found, nor seen to this day”
Roanoke Island
Jamestown Settlement Motivation is economic London company forms a joint-stock to fund and protect the company colony Adventurers and people suffering economically in England join the fleet. Land on the Virginia coast in April of 1607 Name company colony Jamestown in honor of the England’s King James.
Jamestown Settlement
Jamestown Settlement Colony is threatened Disease Starvation Poor conditions John Smith contributes by leading the colony and things improve. Then, he returns to England. Starving Time 1612 John Rolfe helps Introduces the crop tobacco
Pocahontas Daughter of the Powhatan Chief, Wahunsonacock Marries John Rolfe in 1612 Creates a friendlier relationship between colonists and the Powhatan tribe. Dies in 1619 Colonists begin growing their tobacco crop on Native American lands causing conflict. Colonists kill a Powhatan leader. The Powhatan attack colonists. Jonh Rolfe is killed.
Virginia Royal Colony The London Company cancels their charter. England declares Virginia a royal colony. Ruled by a governor chosen by the king. Tobacco farmers establish plantations. Headright system Colonists paying their own passage received 50 acres and an additional 50 acres for per additional person.
Plantation System Indentured Servants Agree by contract to work from 4 to 7 years for colonists who paid their passage. Early on, about 75% of new colonists are indentured servants. Many do not survive because of sickness. 1619 some Africans arrive as indenture servants. Eventually, there will be more slaves on plantations than indentured servants.
Slaves on Plantations Helped plantation owners become rich. England will become involved in the slave trade. Majority of Africans in the colonies will be enslaved by the late 1600s.
Bacon’s Rebellion Nathanial Bacon Wealthy planter in Virginia colony Relative of the governor Along with other colonists, becomes angry about high taxes and little farm land Attacks a peaceful Native American tribe Makes it difficult to maintain peace with local Native Americans Attacks and burns Jamestown
What can we say now about relations between the British colonists and Native Americans? Take one minute with your group and discuss what is different about the British colonists relationship with Native Americans from how Spanish and French colonists were with the Native Americans.