Ç Consilium Selux ST 250/340 OSD The advantages and benefits Basic Consilium info Selux ST 250/340 OSD The advantages and benefits Ç Consilium Consilium Navigation 2009 1
Consilium’s Oil Spill Detection Radar is built-in in a Basic Consilium info Selux ST 250/340 OSD Consilium’s Oil Spill Detection Radar is built-in in a IMO/Solas ARPA navigational radar Consilium Navigation 2009
Selux ST 250/340 OSD (Features) Basic Consilium info Selux ST 250/340 OSD (Features) Consilium OSD Same provider for navigational radar sensors and oil spill detection radar Same hardware of the navigational Consilium Radar. Service and spare part availability on 23 Consilium Offices and 50 Service Agents around the word. Non-Consilium OSD Not available on the normal Maritime Network. Long lead time and extremely high cost for after sales operations. Consilium Navigation 2009
Selux ST 250/340 OSD (Hardware) Basic Consilium info Selux ST 250/340 OSD (Hardware) Consilium OSD The navigation officer can use the OSD radar system as a normal ARPA radar and then easily switch over to the oil spill function whenever necessary. The operator will be falimiliar with the operation of the system. Non-Consilium OSD The system is for the most of the time unused. The operator will be unfamiliar with the system when necessary. More training courses are necessary. Consilium Navigation 2009
Selux ST 250/340 OSD (Hardware) Basic Consilium info Selux ST 250/340 OSD (Hardware) Consilium OSD Derivates from equipment tested according the EC Marine Equipment Directive. AIS target presentation according to IEC rules.Friendly and standardized user interface, hardware certified for the severe maritime environment. Non-Consilium OSD Not certified usage of symbols, colours on graphical presentations, terminology of the text and alarms. Unpleased equipment for the on-board crew. System composed by puzzles of different hardware manufacturers. Consilium Navigation 2009
Selux ST 250/340 OSD (Features) Basic Consilium info Selux ST 250/340 OSD (Features) Consilium OSD High integration level with reduced interconnection cables. Full Master/Slave Interswitchability with two navigational radar plants. Possibility to add two radar sensors dedicated for oil spill Non-Consilium OSD Always provided as standalone configuration (Workstation + additional radar sensor) or as slave of one existing radar. Less flexibility and control of the radar. Consilium Navigation 2009
Four functions in one Radar Basic Consilium info Four functions in one Radar Standard Detection Oil Spill Detection Ice Navigation Small Target Detection Consilium Navigation 2009
No Personal Computer inside !! Basic Consilium info Selesmar Selux Radars PC No Personal Computer inside !! Consilium Navigation 2009
Sea Trials in Norway (NOFO) – June 2010 Basic Consilium info Consilium OSD (Oil Spill Detection) history and reference list (October 2012) Sea Trials in Norway (NOFO) – June 2010 System available for sales – September 2010 Sea Trials in Norway (NOFO) – June 2012 N° 1 system: Ice Breaker Kontio (Finland) N° 2 systems: HUAHAI (China) N° 1 system: Finarge tug boat operating in Brazil (Italy) N° 27 systems (combined small target/OSD): Seismic Vessels (Netherlands) N° 1 system: Hebo-7 cleaning operation in the Rotterdam Port (Netherlands) N° 1 system: PSV Ocean Viking (Brazil) N° 1 system: Baltic workboat AS (Estonia) N° 1 system: Shico PSV H1011 at Shinan Shipyard (Korea) N° 1 Ji Dong Oilfield at Qingdao (China) N° 2 CNOOC Vessels with Tianjin Hairun (China) 38 systems sold in two years Consilium Navigation 2009 9
THANK YOU ! Consilium Selesmar Radar Basic Consilium info Consilium Selesmar Radar are designed for professional users based on 50 years of experiences on . . . . . . THANK YOU ! When Safety Matters Consilium Navigation 2009