Anasazi Indians "Ancient Ones"
Mesa The Anasazi lived near mesas. They planted crops on the tops of the mesa. A mesa is a landform that is made of rock. Mesas look like a table. Mesas have a flat top.
Basket Makers The Anasazi were good basket makers. The baskets looked like little round bowls that were weaved. They were used for carrying water, storing grain and even cooking. They were made to hold water by lining them with pitch. They were used for cooking by dropping heated stones in the water. The finest Anasazi baskets were used before they learned how to make pottery.
Pottery The Anasazi made pots, bowls, canteens, and mugs. They used them for cooking and storage. Some pottery was used for ceremonial purposes. Most pottery was made by women. Designs were passed down from mothers to daughters.
Kivas Kivas were ceremonial rooms used by the Anasazi men mostly. Indian inscriptions were drawn on the walls. There was pottery everywhere. It was built under the ground. A hole in the roof with a ladder was the only way to get in or out.
Housing The Anasazi houses were very tall. Many family members lived in the same house. The houses were carved out of rocks. Houses were made under a cliff.
Clothing Anasazi sandals were made from the yucca plant. They wore feathers and cloth robes in the winter. They wore simple loin clothes in the summer.