BACKGROUND September 1, 2015 – Governor Brown signed into law the California Voter Participation Rights Act (CVPRA) March 7, 2016 – Staff reported on potential impacts of CVPRA and directed to seek State Attorney General clarification on question of applicability to charter cities February 16, 2017 – At Joint City and School District meeting, reviewed the CVPRA issue and the potential impacts to future Pasadena elections July 13, 2017 – State Attorney General Becerra’s Office issued Opinion No. 16-603, which concluded the CVPRA does apply to charter cities and to local school districts whose elections are governed by city charter provision July 24, 2017 – Attorney General Opinion No. 16-603 circulated to the City Council August 28, 2017 – City Council discussion regarding Attorney General Opinion September 14, 2017 – Staff provided additional information on the Attorney General Opinion No. 16-603 and resulting impacts to City and School District elections October 16, 2017 – City Council “straw poll” to comply with CVPRA October 30, 2017 – Staff directed to conduct outreach and Community Forum November 16, 2017 – School District discussion on CVPRA and State Attorney General Opinion No. 16-603 November 27, 2017 – Community Forum (posted online) December 11, 2017– City Council adopted CVPRA plan December 14, 2017– Board of Education adopted CVPRA plan January 8, 2018 – City Council approved format and timing of future City elections (pending voter approval) January 25, 2018 – Board of Education approved format and timing of future school district elections (pending voter approval)
PENDING ACTIONS City Council to adopt resolutions calling for June 5, 2018 special municipal elections to submit City’s and School District’s Charter Amendment measures for voter approval City Council direction unanimously approved on January 8, 2018; and Board of Education direction unanimously approved on January 25, 2018 Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters to conduct the Charter Amendment Election on June 5, 2018 on behalf of City and PUSD
BALLOT MEASURE QUESTIONS City Charter Amendment Ballot Measure Question (limited to 75 words): School District Charter Amendment Ballot Measure Question (limited to 75 words): Consistent with state law, shall the Pasadena City Charter be amended to: 1) change the City's primary and general election dates to coincide with statewide primary and general election dates, beginning with the November 2018 general election; 2) extend the current terms for the Mayor and Councilmembers by 19 months on a one-time basis in order to transition to the statewide election cycle; and 3) change the timing of the Mayor’s thematic budget message? YES NO Consistent with state law, shall the Pasadena City Charter be amended to: 1) change the Pasadena Unified School District’s election dates to coincide with statewide general election dates, utilizing the plurality voting format, beginning with the November 2020 general election; 2) extend the current terms of Board Members by 19 months on a one-time basis in order to transition to the statewide election cycle; and 3) change the timing of the Board President’s annual address? YES NO
CITY CHARTER TEXT Charter Section 401. – NUMBER AND TERM.: Creates subsections A, B, and C, such that: Section A details the composition of the City Council, states that Councilmembers are nominated and elected by district, and establishes the term of office as four years for the Mayor and City Council; Section B preserves the City’s right to call a regular election in November 2018, and details the one-time 19-month extension of terms for the current Mayor and City Council; and Section C designates the timing of the start of terms in even years for Mayor and City Council in 2020 and 2022, and respectively every four years thereafter, as well as sets the timing of the start of terms occurring at the City Council’s Organizational meeting on the fifth Monday following the November General election. Charter Section 406. – THE MAYOR.: Refers to Section 401(B), which extends the Mayor’s current term of office on a one-time basis in order to transition to the statewide election cycle, and removes Charter language that is no longer necessary.
CITY CHARTER TEXT Charter Section 902. – PREPARATION OF BUDGET.: Provides additional time for the Mayor to deliver the thematic budget message (State of the City Address). This is believed to be beneficial for a newly-elected Mayor when he or she takes office.
CITY CHARTER TEXT Charter Section 1202. – PRIMARY ELECTIONS.: Beginning in the year 2020, changes the timing of the City’s primary election to coincide with the statewide primary election dates in each even years. Charter Section 1205. – GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.: Creates subsections A and B, such that: Section A preserves the rights of the City to conduct a regular general municipal election in 2018; and Section B clarifies that the while the November 2018 is a regular general municipal election, no election for Mayor or Councilmembers can occur due to the transition to statewide dates. Charter Section 1207. – CANVASS OF ELECTIONS.: Sets the timing for the City Clerk to submit the canvass to the City Council for approval on the fifth Monday following the election.
PUSD CHARTER TEXT Charter Section 702. – TERM OF OFFICE.: Creates subsections A, B, and C, such that: Section A establishes the term of office as four years for the Board of Education; Section B details the one-time 19-month extension of terms for current Board Members; and Section C designates the timing of the start of terms in even years for Board of Education representing geographic sub-districts 2, 4, and 6 in 2020 and geographic sub-districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 in 2022, and respectively every four years thereafter. In addition, it sets the timing of the start of terms for newly-elected Board of Education at the organizational meeting occurring five weeks following the November General election. Charter Section 703. – ELECTION.: Changes the format of future Board of Education elections to the plurality voting format to occur on statewide general election dates in even years, and removes Charter language that is no longer necessary.
PUSD CHARTER TEXT Charter Section 706. – ELECTION AT THE GENERAL ELECTIONS.: Provides the details regarding the plurality voting format to be used to elect Board of Education members at statewide general elections in even years. Removes Charter language detailing the Primary/General election format that is no longer to be utilized. Charter Section 707. – CANVASS OF ELECTIONS.: Sets the timing for the City Clerk acting in his or her capacity as Assistant Secretary to the Board of Education to submit the Election Canvass for approval on the fifth Tuesday following the statewide general election. Charter Section 709. – MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION.: Changes the timing for the start of terms and the annual organizational meeting of the Board of Education to the fifth Tuesday after the statewide general election held in even years.
PUSD CHARTER TEXT Charter Section 710. – ANNUAL ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION.: Changes the timing of the Board President’s State of the Schools Address to occur at the end of the school year. Charter Section 713. – GEOGRAPHIC SUB-DISTRICTS.: Removes language of sub-section A that is no longer necessary, and renames sub-sections A-F.
RESOLUTIONS - CITY Resolution Calling Election – Reorganized to conduct City and PUSD elections in the City of Pasadena as one jurisdiction (two charter measures) Resolution Requesting County Services – Reorganized to conduct City and PUSD elections in the City of Pasadena as one jurisdiction (two charter measures) Resolution Setting Priorities for Arguments and Directing City Attorney to Prepare Impartial Analysis of City-specific Charter Amendment – Designates the Mayor to Organize City Arguments Resolution Allowing for Rebuttal Arguments (optional) – At City Council’s discretion, allows and provides details for filing rebuttal arguments
RESOLUTIONS - PUSD Resolution Calling Election – Reorganized to conduct PUSD election in PUSD territory outside City of Pasadena (one charter measure) Resolution Requesting County Services – Reorganized to conduct PUSD election in PUSD territory outside City of Pasadena (one charter measure) Resolution Setting Priorities for Arguments and Directing City Attorney to Prepare Impartial Analysis of PUSD-specific Charter Amendment – Designates the Board President to Organize PUSD Arguments Resolution Allowing for Rebuttal Arguments (optional) – At the request of PUSD, it is within City Council’s discretion to allow and provide details for filing rebuttal arguments
MOTION BY BOARD OF EDUCATION That the Board of Education of the Pasadena Unified School District supports and affirms the proposed action to adopt resolutions related to the calling of a Special Municipal Election to amend the Pasadena City Charter to change the timing and format of future Pasadena Unified School District elections, consistent with prior direction given by the Board to the Pasadena City Clerk at the January 25, 2018 meeting.
MOTION TO ADOPT AMENDED RESOLUTIONS - CITY Find that the proposed action is not a project subject to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as defined in Section 21065 and Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines and, as such, no environmental document pursuant to CEQA is required for the project; Adopt a resolution calling for and giving notice of the holding of a special municipal election to be held in the City of Pasadena, on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, for the submission of two charter amendment measures related to the timing of future City and School District elections to occur on statewide election dates held in even years, consistent with state law, and utilizing the plurality voting format for future PUSD elections, including change to the title of Charter Section 706, to read “General Elections”; Adopt a resolution requesting the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors authorize and order the consolidation of the City’s special municipal election with the statewide primary election to be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, and requesting the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters to provide certain services; Adopt a resolution setting priorities for filing written arguments for City’s Charter measure, and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis; Adopt a resolution providing for the filing of rebuttal arguments for City’s Charter measure; and Amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Adopted Operating Budget by appropriating $147,000 from the City’s General Fund balance to Account No. 10113002-811400 to cover election related expenses
MOTION TO ADOPT AMENDED RESOLUTIONS - PUSD Find that the proposed action is not a project subject to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as defined in Section 21065 and Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines and, as such, no environmental document pursuant to CEQA is required for the project; Adopt a resolution calling for and giving notice of the holding of a special municipal election to be held in the territory outside the City of Pasadena annexed thereto for Pasadena Unified School District purposes, on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, for the submission of a charter amendment measure to change the timing and format of future PUSD elections to occur on statewide general election dates held in even years, consistent with state law, and to utilize the plurality voting format, including change to the title of Charter Section 706, to read “General Elections”; Adopt a resolution requesting the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors authorize and order the consolidation of a special municipal election to be held in the territory outside the City of Pasadena annexed thereto for Pasadena Unified School District purposes with the statewide primary election to be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, and requesting the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters to provide certain services; Adopt a resolution setting priorities for filing written arguments for PUSD’s Charter measure, and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis; and Adopt a resolution providing for the filing of rebuttal arguments for PUSD’s Charter measure.