A study of the Sermon on the Mount. Kingdom Code “Studies from the sermon on the mount” A study of the Sermon on the Mount.
Matthew 7:12 Kingdom Rule. Introduction: View Video
Video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvvfEAvLuLA The Golden Rule? (1:32)
Dilemma The truth in this verse is often not obeyed. Point: Jesus is calling His followers to action, not apathy. It is a positive command not negative. In other words he is saying the best way to relate with people is to take initiative to treat them the way you would want to be treated. Also, this is not treating others so that they will treat you back! Examples of people not treating others the way they want to be treated. Debates. Transition: The only way this truth is lived out is within the context of people. The reason this is important is that we will not find an answer to our dilemma until we understand the root of the problem. In other words we are not going to find lasting answers in government programs, in social movements, in political parties, in finical stability, in democratic processes, in ministry programs, in moral structures, or educational opportunities. None of these entities exist without people. We are the dilemma and we need a deliverer.
Deliverer Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and prophets. He is the answer to our dilemma. What we find in verse 12 is the book end of what Jesus started in 5:17. Warning of false righteousness and hypocritical holiness. Of the pharisaical notion that you can be right with God be performing certain religious activities. Jesus is revealing Himself as the fulfillment of God’s promise for reconciliation. A messiah. A Deliverer. Jesus is the answer to our dilemma because as people who are sinful and rebellious against God we are incapable of living out any rules! We find it impossible to treat others the way we want to be treated because we have a broken relationship not just with others but with God. And Jesus is the answer to have a restored relationship with God. In that he makes the impossible possible. He enables us to live out the code of the Kingdom! Illustrate: ???
Discovery (7:7-11) The better we understand God the better we understand ourselves and others! Key verse 11. The truth of the gospel keeps us in a balanced view of ourselves. Not to high and not too low.
Application Do I have a Biblical understanding of God? Do I have a Biblical understanding of myself and others? Who has God placed in my life to treat the way I want to be treated?