Mrs. Ramirez APE3 The Language of Composition Visual Rhetoric Mrs. Ramirez APE3 The Language of Composition
Rhetorical Elements Political Cartoons are often satiric, but they may also comment without any hint of sarcasm or criticism! Same Considerations Apply: Subject Speaker Audience Appeals (may be all)
Pay Attention to Images Captions Dialogue Bubbles
Rosa Parks Analysis
Background Information Cartoonist: Tom Toles He drew this after the death of civil-rights icon Rosa Parks in 2006. Parks had refused to give up her seat on the bus in 1955, Montgomery, Alabama This act came to symbolize the struggle for racial equality in the United States
Source The Language of Composition Shea, Scanlon, Aufses
Assignment Using the Political Cartoon you chose for your homework assignment, analyze it in terms of the rhetorical elements: Cartoonist- does he or she have any political/religious affiliations? Subject Audience (Intended Audience) Purpose Appeals: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Considering all these elements, is your cartoon rhetorically effective? Explain why or why not.