PTAB Litigation 2016 Part 8 – Oral Hearing
Oral Hearing
Oral Hearing Scheduling Order will include a due date for parties to request oral hearing; Request is typically granted if at least one party requests argument; 45 minutes – 1 hour per side for most cases; for consolidated (e.g., 2 patents) oral hearings, 1.5 – 2 hours per side; Petitioner goes first and can reserve time for rebuttal.
Oral Hearing – Board Participants Typically 3 judges, some may be participating remotely; Note where camera is and speak to camera, not screen showing remote judge; Board is active and will usually ask questions; For 45 minute argument prioritize 20 – rest of time may be consumed by questions; Board focuses on claim interpretation – may ask to construe terms not briefed; Know the record.
Oral Hearing - Testimony USPTO will consider requests for live testimony, case-by-case: Considering rule change: “The Office asked, ‘Under what circumstances, if any, should live testimony be permitted at the oral hearing? What changes, if any, should be made to the format of the oral hearing?’” 80 Fed. Reg. 50736 (Aug. 20, 2015). “Response: The Office will continue its present practice of considering requests for oral hearings on a case-by-case basis.” Id. Rarely granted: USPTO granted one motion requesting oral testimony: see K–40 Electronics, LLC v. Escort, Inc., IPR2013–00203, Paper 34 (P.T.A.B. May 21, 2014).
Oral Hearing – New Arguments New Arguments generally not allowed at oral hearing: “If certain testimony previously was not developed, discussed, or explained in a party’s papers, it may not be developed, discussed, explained, or summarized, for the first time, in the form of demonstrative slides at final oral hearing.” CBS Interactive Helferich Patent Licensing, LLC, IPR2013-00033, Paper 118, at 3 (Oct. 23, 2013). Include demonstrative exhibits in expert declaration (e.g., patent owner response or petitioner reply declarations) to make clear that the demonstratives are not introducing new arguments.
Oral Hearing - Demonstratives Must be served 5 days prior to argument and filed by time of argument – 37 C.F.R. § 42.70; Parties should try to work out objections; Can object via conference call request; Board may reserve portion of oral hearing for discussing appropriateness of objected to demonstratives; Board may use convincing demonstratives in Final Written Decision.