A Deadly Meeting Ch 10 Guided PPT
Hernan Cortes, The Conquistador Read p. 216-222 then answer the following reflection questions: How was Cortes’ worldview a product of the time he grew up in Spain? (Reconquista, Spanish Inquisition, Gold & Glory, etc) How do you think Cortes’ worldview will guide his interactions with the Aztec people? What was the Conquistador formula for interactions with new peoples? Think of someone who has good leadership abilities. What qualities do they possess? What qualities does Cortes demonstrate as a leader? Compare and contrast those lists with each other? What type of leader do you believe Cortes to be?
Cortes’ Route
Cortes with the Aztecs
Cortes with the Aztecs
In the words of Cortes… “I know in my heart that we shall take vast and wealthy lands. We are waging a just and good war, which will bring us fame. Almighty God, in whose name in will be waged, will give us victory … if you do not abandon me, as I shall not abandon you, I shall make you the richest man who ever crossed the seas.
An Unequal Fight
An Unequal Fight The Spanish brought muskets, cannons, swords, crossbows, and much more with them. The Aztecs had never seen firearms before and through it was Thunder and Lightening. Examine the chart on p. 223 and compare the Spanish & Aztec Weaponry – Who appears to have the upper hand?
The Importance of Horses Aztecs had never seen horses before Size, power and speed fascinated the Aztecs The Aztecs were unable to compete, because they were only on foot The intimidation factor alone would have been enough to create an unequal fight let alone the other qualities which the horses possessed.
Disease…The Silent Weapon The Aztecs had no immunity to European diseases Diseases, such as small pox, destroyed their communities.
“The sick were so utterly helpless that they could only lie on their beds like corpses, unable to move their limbs or even their heads. They could not lie face down or roll from one side to the other. If they did move their bodies they screamed in pain. A great many died from this plague, and many others died of hunger. They could not get up to search for food, and everyone else was too sick to care for them, so they starved to death in their beds.” -Aztec account of Smallpox Epidemic
Think it Over “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” – Albert Einstein How does this relate to the conquest of Mexico? To modern life?
Invasion p. 229-234
Invasion p. 229-234 As we read together through this section in the textbook, pay special attention to the details given, and the incorporation of topics we discussed earlier (i.e disease)
Postcard Exit Slip Before you are allowed to leave for the day you must complete TWO postcards about the Spanish Invasion of Tenochtitlan Each poster card will present a different perspective: Aztec Spanish Conquistador Your postcards should summarize what you’ve learned about this invasion, as well as make reference to a topic discussed earlier in the chapter Ex: Difference in weaponry, use of horses, etc