Welcome 6th Grade Parents Carnage Magnet Middle School (CM²S) Welcome 6th Grade Parents
Marsha Ramdeen- Assistant Principal Chiamaka Owino- Guidance Counselor Hydrogen Halls Science Kuzmicki Science Macon Math Miller ELA Murphy, Sz ELA Peacock Math Robinson ELA Oxygen Horne CCR Morris Soc St Murphy, V Science Rohrbaugh Soc St Wieszczyk Soc St Wilday Intervention
CM²S Mission Fred J. Carnage Magnet Middle School in partnership with families and community, ensures a safe and respectful environment which inspires academic excellence and challenges all students to develop their talents as healthy, lifelong learners and globally responsible citizens.
School supplies needed CM²S Facts Trojan School Mascot Green & Gold School Colors 7:35-2:20 School Hours $5.00 Agenda Fee Teacher list available School supplies needed
CLUBS/ACTIVITIES Yearbook FBLA WTRJ Sports (7th & 8th Grade Only) Student Council (6th, 7th & 8th) French Club Spanish Club Odyssey of the Mind Robotics National Junior Beta Club Band Strings Orchestra Science Olympiad Math Counts Debate
Sports @ CM²S 6th graders are not eligible to participate in middle school sports. All 6th graders are encouraged to show School Spirit and Trojan pride by attending games. Students must arrange transportation with a parent in order to attend games.
School Layout 2400, 2600 Hallway 2200, 2300 Hallway 6th Grade 2200, 2300 Hallway 7th Grade 300, 400, 600 Hallway 8th Grade Elective Classes Throughout Building
Dressing for Success Our code of student conduct prohibits disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive, obscene or unsafe clothing or bodily appearances. What NOT to wear examples: exposed undergarments sagging pants see-through or excessively short, tight or revealing clothes bare midriff or strapless shirts clothing with lewd, indecent or vulgar messages or illustrations clothing that advertises products or services illegal to minors head coverings chains, spikes or other accessories that could be perceived as or used as a weapon clothing that violates the school system's policies against gang and gang-related activities
Transportation Bus Route Information Not assigned a bus? Available on https://www.wcpss.net/Page/41 Check to see which bus route your child rides Not assigned a bus? Request service at www.wcpss.net/busrider Additional Assistance www.wcpss.net/transportation No Internet Access- 919-805-3030
Important Information Students are not permitted to ride any bus other than the one assigned by transportation. Notes will NOT be accepted requesting students ride another bus. Parents must make arrangements for students if they will not be riding their assigned bus. Carpool- picking students up
Lockers Students will be assigned a lock and locker during the first week of school. Lockers are the property of the school. Students will be provided with time to practice using their lock in the classroom. Lost locks will result in a school fine.
Class Information CORE CLASSES Electives Consist of instruction in Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. Electives Important part of the Carnage academic program. Students choose electives at the beginning of the school year. The staff tries diligently to meet all student requests. However, not every student can receive his/her first choice.
Typical Sixth Grade Day Four core classes per day. Three elective classes per day. Lunch Period Students may attend tutoring during lunch.
Schedule Changes Schedule Changes will be made under the following conditions: The student is missing a class The student has not met prerequisite for a course Balancing class sizes Request for a schedule change due to personal preference will not be considered!!
Grading Scale A is 90 to 100 B is 80 to 89 C is 70 to 79 D is 60 to 69 F is below 60
Absences Parent of absent student should have the student bring a note on the day that he/she returns to school. All notes should be given to student services, and include the reason for absence, and date(s) of absence.
Tardy Policy-Trojans on Time Students have 3 minutes to transition between classes. 1st - Warning 2nd -3rd - Parent Contact 4th- 6th - Lunch Detention & Parent Contact 7th - Administrative Referral
Home base/Power School !!! Please BE PATIENT! It is constantly being updated. Students stay on top of assignments, parents are able to participate in their child's progress, and teachers can instantly share information from their gradebook with parents and students. Families with multiple students can also set up their accounts to view all of their students at one time, with one login.
Parent/Teacher Communication Contact Mrs. Venisha Murphy to schedule a parent/teacher conference: vmurphy@wcpss.net Conferences can be scheduled during the teachers’ planning periods. NOTE: Parents please do not “drop by” for a conference. You will be asked to make an appointment for a later date. You may also communicate with your child’s teachers via e-mail (see school’s web-site) If you have any questions about your child’s academic/social development you may also contact your child’s counselor (Chiamaka Owino).
Individual Counseling School Counselor Individual Counseling Group counseling Classroom guidance Academic, college, and career counseling Assisting students in developing an academic plan Interpreting standardized test results Grief and crisis counseling Responding to and assisting with crises Developing confidential relationships with students
School Counselor Advocating for students Promoting and monitoring student success in a collaborative manner Helping students overcome barriers to learning Providing preventive and intervention strategies for student success Facilitating parent/teacher conferences Serving as a resource to students of available community opportunities Serving as a resource for school staff and parents Serving as a resource for community referrals Providing parent and community outreach Fostering a positive school environment by embracing and promoting diversity
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBiS) A systems approach for establishing the social culture and individualized behavioral supports needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students.
CM²S Success 4mula Preparation Safety Respect Responsibility
Supporting Social Competence and Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making Key Points: This graphic describes the interplay between the three elements needed to achieve desired outcomes. Each system supports the other. What makes PBS different is that all three parts must be addressed to create sustainable change Practices-support student behavior Systems-support adult behavior (which must change first) Data-supports decision making Schools usually focus only on changing practices, but then no one follows though on suggested changes WHY? Because if you don’t think about how to support the adults to make the necessary changes they will be less likely to do it. This requires changing the systems . Also if you make changes that are not based on real meaningful data, the changes will feel irrelevant to staff and they will be less likely to follow though To maximize effectiveness we must implement all three. SYSTEMS DATA PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior
Field Trips Field trips and other activities will be scheduled throughout the year. Attendance of field trips and activities may be denied due to behavior or academic concerns as applicable.
Your Child’s Nutrition Student breakfast $1.50 Student reduced breakfast $ .00 Student lunch $2.80 Student reduced lunch $ .40 PRICES
Contact Information AP- Marsha Ramdeen- mramdeen@wcpss.net Counselor –Chiamaka Owino- cowino@wcpss.net Front Office- (919) 856-7600 Transportation- (919) 805-3030 Important Dates Schedule Pick-Up 8/23/2018 (10:00-12:00) First Day of School 8/27/2018
Schedule for Today Lunch 11:30 Family Engagement Activity 12:00