OVERVIEW This workshop will cover: the processes and strategies that can be used to ensure that training and assessment take place in, and comply with, occupational health and safety requirements
ASSESSMENT Assessment for these units will be based on : Your workshop participation and contribution The completion of the learning activities during the workshop Completion of a practical assessment task which will be fully explained by your facilitator
KNOWLEDGE All learners need to know: the hazards relevant to the industry in which they are working or will work occupational health and safety procedures applicable the workplaces where they do or will work commonly used OHS symbols and signs the legal responsibilities of employers and employees
OVERVIEW OF OHS SYSTEM Commonwealth, states, and territories enacted legislation that establishes general duties for workplace parties to ensure healthy and safe working conditions. OHS legislative regime consists of Principal OHS Acts Regulations Codes of Practice
WHO HAS DUTY OF CARE? Employers Working environment safe and without risks to the health of employees Adequate training, information and supervision to ensure the health and safety of employees; and a consultation processes with employees on OHS issues. Employees take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others in the workplace, to the extent to which they are capable. Designers Manufacturers Self-employed persons
RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of trainers and workplace supervisors to assist people in learning all that they need to know and do to work safely It is the responsibility of learners to demonstrate safe work practices in all training and assessment situations
PROCESSES OF OHS Identify hazards – What hazards are present in the workplace? Examples Assess risks – What is the possible frequency and severity of injury or disease that may result from the identified hazards? Assessment Control risks – How can the risk be eliminated or minimised? Hierarchy of control Monitor – Don’t stop! Review and evaluate the effectiveness of controls
EXAMPLES Physical hazards noise, electrical, heat or cold, dust, fire, working space Chemical hazards gases, fumes, liquids Ergonomic hazards tool and equipment design, work station design, task design Radiation hazards x-rays, microwaves, ultraviolet or infra-red radiation Psychological hazards shift work, workload, harassment, discrimination, bullying Biological hazards bacterial, viral or fungal infections Environmental temperature, lighting, sunlight, workplace layout
Match this to the probable severity (damage rating) of the harm RISK ASSESSMENT Severity Likelihood Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost certain Map the likelihood of a hazard causing harm against the likelihood of an actual occurrence Match this to the probable severity (damage rating) of the harm
Hierarchy of Control priorities: SOLUTIONS The Hierarchy of Control prioritises preferred options for implementing possible problem solutions and OHS controls Hierarchy of Control priorities: 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 4. Administration 5. Personal Protective Equipment
PROCESS AND DOCUMENTATION Identify hazards Hazard Identification Assess risks Risk Assessment Prioritisation Matrix Control risks Hierarchy of Control
ACTIVITY Select one process /document Discuss with team members In groups of 4 Select one process /document Hazard Identification Page 32, guide_smallbiz_safetychecklist_1284a.pdf Risk Assessment Page 33, Hazpak.pdf, Haz_checklist_and_risk_control_plan.doc Prioritisation matrix Page 35, Hazpak.pdf Planned controls Page 38 Discuss with team members 5 minute presentation
SUMMARY You have a legally enforceable duty of care to ensure that you understand the legislative requirements for OHS and have sufficient competence in OHS requirements for the industry concerned It is essential that you access appropriate professional development to bring your OHS skills and knowledge to the required level
OVERVIEW This workshop will cover: the competencies required to foster and promote an environment which supports inclusive work practices and learning culture
ASSESSMENT Assessment for this unit will be based on: Your workshop participation and contribution The completion of the learning activities during the workshop Completion of a series of assessment tasks which will be fully explained by your facilitator
ACTIVITY 1 Case Study In groups Respond Record Discuss 15 minutes
DIFFERENCES IN THE LEARNER GROUP Cultural and linguistic diversity ESL Indigenous culture Other cultural differences Health conditions Medical conditions Religious practices Age, gender, sexuality Early school leavers Older learners returning to study Single parents returning to study Part itme sutdents Refugees Survivors of trauma Disabilities Acquired brain injury Learning disabilities Sensory impairments Physical disabilities Intellectual disability Mental health conditions Chronic medical conditions From “One and All – Facilitators guide to assist in the delivery of TAAENV402A Foster and promote an inclusive learning culture.”
Be aware of and responsible to: SUMMARY As a trainer, you have duty of care to foster a promote an inclusive learning environment. Be aware of and responsible to: you role model the behaviour, tolerances and acceptances in your classroom and beyond.