How to set up Composition book and use Cornell Notes
Inside Front Cover
A. Cover (Inside & Out) -Name & Daggert (use sharpie) B. Number all pages in the bottom outside corners (front and back of each) small print! C. Pgs 2 –5 Write “Table of Contents” on top lines D. Pg 6 Purple homework policy sheet Pg 7 blue Cornell notes sheet Pg 8 Pink integers (tape only one side) Pg 9 Green decimals ½ sheet Pg 10 Yellow fractions foldable I. Fill in Table of contents after taping everything in
Why Take Cornell Notes (Focused Notes)? Long story short: When you write down even brief notes about what you are hearing/ experiencing, you keep 60% of what you hear/learn. When you take thorough, organized notes and review them, you keep 90-100% of what you hear/learn.
How To Take Cornell Notes There are four parts to the CORNELL WAY: Note-taking: capturing complete notes in any situation Note-making: creating meaning and revising the notes taken Note-interacting: using the notes as a learning tool to increase achievement Note-reflecting: reflecting on learning and utilizing feedback to improve future note-taking effort Direct them now to their packet for more detail on each of these steps.
C – Create Format Complete heading This includes the day’s essential question (what you will learn about) Encourage participants to take notes on the steps of the CORNELL WAY.
O – Organize Notes – Taking Notes Left Side – Key points Vocabulary Word Questions to study later Right side – definitions examples steps Continue taking notes – looking for ways to abbreviate and shorten content while still maintaining meaning for the notetaker
R- Review Notes and Make Revisions Tip –use a different colored pen Give them 15-30 seconds to skim over their notes, underline, clarify parts, add symbols or visuals
N – Note Key Ideas (Create questions you might see on test) Use key ideas to create questions Consider, “How might this be asked on the test?” (think like the teacher) As a group, generate 1-2 questions for the left-hand side that reinforce the main ideas in the notes. Use the Costa’s Levels of Questions page in the handout to generate higher-level questions. Sample: Explain why using Cornell Notes helps students to retain information longer.
E – Exchange Ideas of questions & what should be in notes (with partner) Give participants 30 seconds to compare notes with a partner, filling in missing material, clarifying points or just discussing what they have written.
L – Link Learning together (summarize) Create a summary Goes at the END of the notes (not one for each page of notes) Review the steps of the summary template in their handout. *Encourage them to go back and write the summary after leaving the Cornell Notes session!
L – Learning Tool Study from notes Fold the notes over and quiz over the questions on the left while hiding the material on the right Ready summaries Answer the questions in the left column Read Vocabulary words in left column and quiz yourself Model how to fold over the notes. Have one volunteer quiz another volunteer from one of the questions generated.
“Before” & “After”