Welcome to child development Color the starfish. Cut it out and throw away the scraps. Put your name and period number on the back. Set it aside until the end of the period. Journal: What are three actions you can take to positively impact a child? 5 minutes Cups on desks with crayons and scissors in it. Welcome class and pass out starfish to color while I take role and fast track the seniors.
Caring for children Symbolism Stations The pictures located at the stations symbolizes something important to keep in mind when you assume the responsibilities for caring for children. Your assignment is to think of a meaning for each item. Children should be Treasured Pull up pdf and show pictures
You are all Developers of Children We will learn to develop children through: Subjects Class workbook Stories and Music Reflecting on your childhood Think of three actions you can take to positively make a difference in a child’s life. DAP Child Activities (developmentally appropriate practice) KEEP YOUR STRAW. KEEP YOUR STRAW
What OPPORTUNITY did your bubble picture reveal? When you studied your picture, what did you see? What do you see? KEEP YOUR STRAW.
NOWHERE NOW HERE Opportunity is When you studied your picture, what did you see? What do you see? No where or Now here? I hope that when you walk through the door from now you see on now here. It is now her to change your future as you influence these kids for good.
Journal Bell Quiz 1 5 minutes Cups on desks with crayons and scissors in it. Welcome class and pass out starfish to color while I take role and fast track the seniors.
That future starts with Developing Children Why do we study children? What can we learn from them when we study? What role can children play in society? Why do we really need them? That future starts with children.
You are all Developers of Children Choose 2 Scenarios to read. Based on the facts, how will each child turn out as an adult? Now read the answer key to see if you predicted correctly. Discuss this question: How do early childhood experiences and events impact the person’s future choices, personality, fears, likes and dislikes, etc.? Game and scenarios
You are you because of the experiences that you have had and how you have chosen to let them impact you. A person is like a whiteboard, but we choose the marks being made on us. What we do, say, and how we react to a child can impact them forever. We spend more time, money, and energy on raising animals, repairing cars, advancing our careers, etc, than we do on developing children.
Write three actions you can take to positively make a difference in a child’s life. Answer the reflection question on the back. Is your name and period number on the back? Is it cut out and your scraps are picked up? Staple it to the back board. Stay in the desk area and away from the door until the bell rings. 4th and 8th period put chairs up.