DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE Refresher Course Become a better driver Learn practical defensive driving skills that could make a life or death difference on our roads. Course Objective : Both Company and Personal benefits Less driver stress Better fuel economy and saving on maintenance Potential reduction in insurance claims and administration Better understanding of the vehicle and its controls Systematically deal with hazards Reduce an accident risk Improve company image through greater care and awareness to other drivers To enhance personal driving observation and anticipation skills Improve concentration Correct driving weakness through rectification skills Who should attend? All staff who drive a vehicle ORGANIZED BY Win Mission Co., Ltd. 68/83-84 Moo 5 Rachathewa, Bangplee, Samuthprakarn 10540 Thailand Tel: +662 738 8638 Fax: +662 738 8639 E-mail: Website: Technical Petroleum Training Institute, Department of Mineral Fuels, 6th Floor, Shinawatra Tower III, 1010 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Tel: +662 949 2330, +662 966 2663 Fax: +662 791 1730 E-mail:
T e c h n i c a l P e t r o l e u m T r a i n in g I n s t i t u t e 1. REGISTRATION FEES : ฿ 11,200 (VAT 7% excluded) Registration Form This fee includes 2 breaks and a lunch during the session days, instruction, and instructional materials, but does not include 7% VAT, accommodation and transportation. Venue TPTI - Lankrabue DDC-Program Date requested Class Size Minimum 6 Maximum 15 LV-REFRESHER HV-REFRESHER Date: ……………………… 2. Enrollment Information : (Please print clearly.) Family Name : First Name ( Mr / Ms / Mrs ) : Position : Approving Manager : Company : Address : Nature of Business : Tel : Fax : E-mail : Signature: Date: 3. Payment Method : By cross cheque or bank draft payable to Technical Petroleum Training Institute Mail your payment with this registration form to TPTI. Enclosed is the cheque / draft for Baht By Address :11th Floor, Energy Complex Building B, 1010 Viphavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand. Wire transfer into the account ofTechnical Petroleum Training Institute Bank Name : Siam Commercial Bank Ltd., Branch : Ramatibadee Account No: 026-4-01533-4 or Swift Code: SICOTHBK 4. THREE EASY WAYS TO REGISTER : 1. FAX: 66 2 936 5188 E-MAIL: 3. POST: Complete and return your form to: Technical Petroleum Training Institute 11th Floor, Energy Complex Building B, 552/2 Viphavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand. Tel: 66 2 936 5188 Win Mission Co., Ltd. 68/83-84 Moo 5 Rachathewa, Bangplee, Samuthprakarn 10540 Thailand Tel: +662 738 8638 Fax: +662 738 8639 E-mail: Website: Technical Petroleum Training Institute, Department of Mineral Fuels, 11th Floor, Energy Complex Building B, 552/2 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Tel: +662 936 5188 Fax: +662 936 5188 E-mail: