Prince William Sound. Prince William Sound Transporting and treating oiled birds.


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Presentation transcript:

Prince William Sound

Transporting and treating oiled birds

Body counts animals after the spill

Six Steller sea lion rookeries were in the path of the spill Six Steller sea lion rookeries were in the path of the spill. In 1989, prior to the spill, the western population of sea lions indicated a decline of 40% from their 1975 numbers. Their population has continued to decline to just 20% of their former numbers.

Cold water wash method

Pacific Herring Pacific herring are commercially important fish in Alaska and are harvested for their roe and for use as bate fish. They mature at three or four years of age and average less than 9” in length. Herring feed on plankton and are a key link between producers and consumers. Steller sea lions, seals, and many species of sea birds depend on an abundance of these high-fat fish for a healthy diet.