7.2 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Objective: The objective for today is to learn how to change fractions and decimals to percents. We will also learn how to figure out the probability of certain events.
Percent to fraction Percent(%): ratio, denominator is 100. Ex: p% = P Write % as a fraction 51% 48% 25%
Write % as a fraction-st 34% 55% 27% 40% 79% 90%
Information Decimal to percent Move decimal 2 spots right; drop . add % .62 1 2.3 Percent to decimal Move 2 spots left; drop % add . 75% 0.4% 168%
Change % ~ . and . ~ % .461 5 1.6 .007 27% 184% .3% .55%
Write fraction as a percent 4/5 3/25 18/25 3/10 33/50 17/20 132/200 3/4
Fractions to decimals Fractions ~ decimals Long division Go to 3rd decimal place 1/3 11/6 5/12
Change fraction to percent 5/7 1/8 3/20 1/8
Change probability to percent Probability: favorable total Find probability, then change to percent. A radio station selects 1 of 5 finalists for a prize. You are one of the finalists. What’s the probability you will win? Answer as %.
Change Probability to percent-st You have multiple choice question 4 choices. What’s the probability you guess right on first try? Spinner numbers 1-10. Find the prob. P(5) P(odd #) P(>4)
Wrap up Questions/Comments Ic: finish project (DUE WED) Hw: workbook pg. 81
Change decimal to %. 62 1. 83 Change % to decimal 62% 6 Change decimal to % .62 1.83 Change % to decimal 62% 6.84% Write as fractions (make sure reduced) 29% 34% Change to % 1/20 2/7 3/5 7/12