Site Readiness Program
Are We Competitive? “We’ve been interested in WV sites in the past, but there have been too many unknowns to recommend moving forward to our Client.” -Site Selection Consultant
- KPMG Site Selection Consultant Are We Competitive? “We would never consider bringing a client to the site without knowing that there’s a realistic plan for the sewer.” - KPMG Site Selection Consultant
Are We Competitive? “I need to know the issues with the site, the time it will take to resolve them, and how much will it cost. WV’s information just isn’t available.” - Cushman & Wakefield Site Selection Consultant
Are We Competitive? “Site selection consultants do 90% of their research, information gathering, and filtering before ever contacting a {WV} representative.” - Ernst &Young Site Selection Consultant
WV Must Invest in Site Readiness
What does Site Readiness Mean? To Site Selection Consultants: Demonstrates West Virginia’s PROACTIVE commitment to attracting new businesses Minimizes the risk factors for development Allows their Client to get to market faster and more inexpensively
What does Site Readiness Mean? To the State of West Virginia: Offer a quality and competitive product Minimize the regularity of early elimination of West Virginia giving us more opportunities to compete Move at the speed of business
Site Readiness vs. Site Certification
How will the program work? Property Evaluation Letter of Intent to Apply Applicant can be a City, County, Economic Development Board Development Office will select communities to participate Official application for site evaluation Property evaluated as part of Site Readiness Program Technical report evaluating the site’s readiness Goal of the Property Evaluation - Expand the state's inventory of both industrial sites (and in the future existing buildings) through an evaluation of a community's existing inventory that prioritizes where investment may be most beneficial and what steps may be needed to address issues and shortcomings Letter of intent will include: contact name and state fact that program purpose is there to ASSIST Counties Don’t know if we’ll get 10 applicants or we’ll get 400
What documentation will be required? Control of Site Zoning Water Wastewater Fiber Electric Natural Gas Geotechnical Archeological Wetlands Floodplain Endangered Species Highway Access Rail Access River Access Air Access
How will the program work? Grant Consideration All properties evaluated will be considered for Grants Two Grant Programs Mini-Grant Program Matching Grant Program (50/50) Property evaluation application will ask preference type of grant Selected applicants receive offer to apply for grant funds Letter of intent will include: contact name and state fact that program purpose is there to ASSIST Counties Don’t know if we’ll get 10 applicants or we’ll get 400
How will the program work? Grant Award Expect grant funds to complete due diligence items Period of use for grant funds Property reevaluation Letter of intent will include: contact name and state fact that program purpose is there to ASSIST Counties Don’t know if we’ll get 10 applicants or we’ll get 400
Timeline Application for a Site Evaluation Opens Application Deadline Winter 2018 Application Deadline Spring 2018 Site Evaluation Complete Spring/Summer 2018 Grant Award
What can YOU do to be prepared? Talk to your representatives about Site Readiness Engage your Board Identify your preferred site(s) Engage professional services Compile / Complete due diligence
How? Basic due diligence and evaluation of site inventory Create a competitive tool for local EDA’s Strategic site control for highest priority sites Ex: Mega-site for projects like P&G; Toyota/Mazda