Cell Programming Workshop Cell/Quasar Ecosystem & Solutions Enablement Hands-on DMA Cell Programming Workshop Cell/Quasar Ecosystem & Solutions Enablement Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Workshop Objectives Key learning features: Basic SPU-PPU DMA and mailbox communication Trademarks - Cell Broadband Engine and Cell Broadband Engine Architecture are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Workshop agenda Example 1a - Develop a simple spu program to print hello world Example 1b - Adding to Example 1a by having the SPU create a buffer for a "hello" message that it will DMA in, modify, and DMA out Example 1c – Adding to Example 1b by having a PPU program to use control structure to pass a pointer of a buffer to an SPU and posting a message in a mailbox. The SPU receives the buffer, pass it to the next SPU, prints the buffer, and the last SPU sends a buffer back to the PPU for it to print. NOTES: Hands-on materials are in /opt/cell_class/Hands-on/DMA Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Hands-on DMA Example 1a - A simple hello world program Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Example 1a – code sample ppu program hello.c spu program hello_spu.c #include <stdio.h> #include <libspe.h> extern spe_program_handle_t hello_spu; int main (void) { speid_t speid; int status; speid = spe_create_thread (0, &hello_spu, NULL, NULL, -1, 0); spe_wait(speid, &status, 0); return 0; } #include <stdio.h> int main(unsigned long long speid, unsigned long long argp, unsigned long long envp) { int a=0; printf("Hello world (0x%llx),(0x%llx),(0x%llx)\n", speid, argp, envp); return a; } ppu Makefile spu Makefile DIRS = spu PROGRAM_ppu = hello IMPORTS = -lspe spu/hello_spu.a include $(CELL_TOP)/make.footer PROGRAM_spu := hello_spu LIBRARY_embed := hello_spu.a include $(CELL_TOP)/make.footer Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Hands-on DMA Example 1b - Develop an SPU program to create a buffer for a "hello" message that it will DMA in, modify, and DMA back to the PPU program Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Hands-on Exercise – Example 1b Adding to Example 1a … the following Develop a PPU program that Creates a buffer containing a character string “Good morning!” Creates an spu thread that contains the above buffer as one of its arguments Develop an SPU program that Creates a local buffer to contain the data to be dma’ed in Initiates a dma transfer to receive the buffer Modifies the buffer into “Guten Morgen!” Transfers the buffer back to the ppu Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
ppu program spu program hello.c example1bspu.c ppu Makefile #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <libmisc.h> #include <spu_mfcio.h> #define wait_on_mask(x) mfc_write_tag_mask(x); mfc_read_tag_status_any(); int main(unsigned long long speid, unsigned long long argp, unsigned long long envp) { char * buffer; int tag = 1, tag_mask = 1<<tag; // we should probably check here to make sure envp/size is a valid DMA size but for the sake // of readability I'm going to assume it is.... printf("ARGP = 0x%llx, ENVP = %d\n", argp, envp); buffer = malloc_align(envp, 7); // receive buffer mfc_get(buffer, (unsigned int)argp, envp, tag, 0, 0); wait_on_mask(tag_mask); printf("SPE 0 received buffer \"%s\"\n", buffer); // modify buffer strcpy (buffer, "Guten Morgen!"); // DMA out buffer to SPE 1 mfc_put(buffer, (unsigned int)argp, envp, tag, 0, 0); return 0; } spu program example1bspu.c #include <stdio.h> #include <libspe.h> #include <libmisc.h> #include <string.h> extern spe_program_handle_t example1b_spu; int main (void) { speid_t speid; int status; char * buffer; buffer = malloc_align(128,7); strcpy (buffer, "Good morning!"); // create SPU threads speid = spe_create_thread (0, &example1b_spu, (void *)buffer, 128, -1, 0); spe_wait(speid, &status, 0); printf("New modified buffer is %s\n", buffer); return 0; } ppu Makefile spu Makefile DIRS = spu/example1b PROGRAM_ppu = hello_dma IMPORTS = -lspe -lmisc \ spu/example1b/example1b_spu.a include $(CELL_TOP)/make.footer PROGRAM_spu := example1b_spu LIBRARY_embed := example1b_spu.a IMPORTS = -lmisc include $(CELL_TOP)/make.footer Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Hands-on DMA Example 1c – Develop a PPU program to create 8 SPE threads, and to control the DMAs to the 8 SPEs using mailbox. Develop an SPU program to create a data buffer and a control structure cs, and send out the data buffer pointer to the PPU receive the PPU control structure pointer and DMA in cs receive buffer modify buffer DMA out buffer to next SPE The last SPE sends a buffer back to the PPU Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Hands-on Example 1c – ppu program hello_ppc.c common.h typedef struct { char * memory; int first; int last; void * lstore[8]; char padding[84]; } control_block; #include <stdio.h> #include <libspe.h> #include <libmisc.h> #include <string.h> #include "control.h" extern spe_program_handle_t hello_spu; char buffer[128] __attribute__ ((aligned(128))); #define ACTIVE_SPUS 8 int main() { speid_t speid[ACTIVE_SPUS]; int status[ACTIVE_SPUS]; int i; control_block * cb = malloc_align(128,7); cb->first = 0; cb->last = ACTIVE_SPUS - 1; cb->memory = buffer; strcpy (buffer, "Zao shang hao!"); for (i=0;i<ACTIVE_SPUS;i++){ speid[i] = spe_create_thread(0, &hello_spu, NULL, NULL, -1, 0); } cb->lstore[i] = spe_get_ls(speid[i]); while (!spe_stat_out_mbox(speid[i])) {} cb->lstore[i] += spe_read_out_mbox(speid[i]); for (i=0;i<ACTIVE_SPUS;i++) spe_write_in_mbox(speid[i],(unsigned int)cb); spe_write_in_mbox(speid[i],i); spe_wait(speid[i], &status[i], 0); printf("PPE says %s\n", buffer); return 0; Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
Hands-on Example 1c – spu program /* Step 3 */ myId = spu_read_in_mbox(); /* Step 4 */ if (myId == ls_cb->first) { mfc_get(buffer, (unsigned int)ls_cb->memory, 128, 1, 0, 0); mfc_write_tag_mask(1<<1); mfc_read_tag_status_all(); } /* Step 5 */ printf ("SPE %d says %s\n", myId, buffer); if (myId == 0) strcpy(buffer,"Dobry dien!"); if (myId == 1) strcpy(buffer,"Bon giorno!"); if (myId == 2) strcpy(buffer,"Buenas dias!"); if (myId == 3) strcpy(buffer,"Ohayo gozaimasu!"); if (myId == 4) strcpy(buffer,"Boker tov!"); if (myId == 5) strcpy(buffer,"Dobre jitro!"); if (myId == 6) strcpy(buffer,"Bon jour!"); if (myId == 7) strcpy(buffer,"Chao buoi sang!"); /* Step 7 */ if (myId == ls_cb->last) { mfc_put(buffer, (unsigned int)ls_cb->memory, 128, 1, 0, 0); else{ mfc_put(buffer, (unsigned int)ls_cb->lstore[myId+1], 128, 1, 0, 0); #include <stdio.h> #include <spu_mfcio.h> #include <libmisc.h> #include <string.h> #include "../control.h" int main() { int myId; char * buffer = malloc_align(128,7); control_block * ls_cb = malloc_align(sizeof(control_block),7); control_block * cbPtr; /* Step 1*/ spu_write_out_mbox((unsigned int)buffer); /* Step 2 */ cbPtr = (control_block *) spu_read_in_mbox(); mfc_get (ls_cb, (unsigned int)cbPtr, sizeof(control_block), 1, 0, 0); mfc_write_tag_mask(1<<1); mfc_read_tag_status_all(); return 0; } Cell Programming Workshop 11/24/2018
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