New Developments in ICT Statistics Side event to the 41st session of the UN Statistical Commission Torbjörn Fredriksson ( 23 February 2010. United Nations, New York
World Leaders Need Better ICT Statistics “Appropriate indicators and benchmarking… should clarify the magnitude of the digital divide, in both its domestic and international dimensions, and keep it under regular assessment, and track global progress in the use of ICTs to achieve internationally agreed development goals and objectives, including the [MDGs].” Tunis Agenda For The Information Society, Para 113 “We request the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to make an overall review of the implementation of WSIS outcomes in 2015.” Tunis Agenda For The Information Society, Para 111
ICT Statistics: Challenges Relatively new area of statistics – need for new indicators Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development Despite progress – many data gaps remain ”Moving target“ – needs continuous adaptation and revision of standards and definitions National Statistical Agencies key for the sustainable production of internationally comparable ICT statistics
This session Recent developments in ICT statistics Susan Teltscher, ITU and Partnership Global Seminar on ICT Statistics in the Republic of Korea Ralf Becker, UNSD Kyuung-Ae Park, Statistics Korea Discussion
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