MAMA WP 3 Capacity building Silvana Vallerga, MAMA coordinator 5th MAMA meeting Malta 26 - 31 January 2
Situation of exchange Member Country hosted sent IMC Italy 3 IOC-MOC Malta 1 1 planned HEIS B-H 1 DFMR Cyprus 2 planned 2 FSR Morocco 2 planned INSTM Tunisia 2+1 planned Uni-B Italy 2 IAMC-CNR Italy 1 NCMS Lebanon 2 2 IOR Croatia 1 planned UA-DO Egypt 2 planned Ifremer France 3 offers 1 IHMR Syria 2 2 Apat Italy 3 offers
. All trainees should send detailed reports To be done . All trainees should send detailed reports Good reports:Valerie Garnier, Vesna Macic All supervisor should send good reports Good report: Georg Umgiesser &Isabella Scroccaro Deadline March 31st 2004
FUTURE STEPS To define a Mediterranean regional strategy for GOOS To prioritise the national needs within the regional strategy To match the capacity building with the national priorities