Ethics Buddhism: The Means
The Eightfold Path: Ethics Section The Eightfold Path is the core of Buddhist practice and lifestyle. Split into three sections: Wisdom, Ethics, and Meditation. The Ethics section covers: Right Speech (no gossip / idle chat / lying) Right Action (being useful/helpful) Right Livelihood (a good / helpful job)
The Eightfold Path: Ethics Section Compassion is a central value to Buddhists – it underpins all belief and action. Ahimsa = non-violence and respect for life. Metta = loving-kindness (compassion for all creatures). Using skilful means. Gaining good kamma (to enable a better rebirth). Altruism = putting others first as based on compassion and as seen in the Bodhisattva ideal of Mahayana Buddhism.
Right Speech How many times have you said something you later regret? How many times has someone said something that hurt you? Right speech means not: Talking rubbish Gossiping Being nasty/mean Choosing your words with care so you don’t hurt anyone
RIGHT ACTION Right action can sometimes be translated as "right conduct". As such, a Buddhist should try not to act in ways that would be corrupt or bring harm to themselves or others. In other words the Five Precepts: Not to harm living beings. Do not take anything that is not given. Do not engage in sexual misconduct. Do not engage in false speech. Not to take intoxicants that cloud the mind.
RIGHT LIVELIHOOD This means that Buddhists should not work in trades or occupations which, either directly or indirectly, result in harm for other living beings. This includes: Manufacture or trade in weapons. Trading in human beings: slave trading, prostitution. Farming or trading in meat products. Manufacture or trade of intoxicants: making or selling alcoholic drinks or recreational drugs. Business in poison: producing or trading in any kind of poison or a toxic product designed to kill.