Anadromous Stocks Chapter 24
Anadromous Fish
Atlantic Coast Atlantic salmon
Atlantic Coast
Atlantic Coast
Atlantic Coast American shad
Pacific Coast Oncorhyncus
Pacific Coast Oncorhyncus
Pacific Coast Oncorhyncus
Pacific Coast Oncorhyncus
Pacific Coast Oncorhyncus
Pacific Coast Oncorhyncus Rainbow trout or steelhead
Habitat Concerns Destruction of spawning & nursery habitat East - urban development, pollution West - logging activities
Habitat Concerns Dams - upstream and downstream migrants
Upstream - Fish Ladders
Fish Ladders
Fish Ladders
Downstream - Turbines Mortality
Downstream - Turbines
Downstream - Turbines Homing problems
Genetic Concerns Potential loss of site-adapted characteristics Potential mixing of stocks Potential straying of stocks
Harvest Concerns Who gets what when?
Harvest Concerns
Harvest Concerns
Harvest Concerns