New Material, but also builds on AP Physics 1
Various things to chat about Topics for AP Physics 2 Some class details Getting help Taking the AP Physics 1 and/or 2 tests Watt about AP Physics C? After the AP tests…. Various things to chat about
AP Physics 2 Topics Electricity More about Circuits: Series and Parallel Calculating Voltages and Currents for circuits More about Electric Fields that surround charges Capacitors & Electric Fields Capacitors in circuits with resistors AP Physics 2 Topics
AP Physics 2 topics Magnetism (Electro-Magnetism) What are magnets & magnetic properties Electric fields vs. magnetic fields Interactions between Elec and Mag fields Magnetic Forces How do we “make” electricity Electricity and Magnetism messing with each other, it’s all about MOTION AP Physics 2 topics
AP Physics 2 topics Waves and Optics Mostly about light (or electromagnetic waves) How light behaves like a wave Optics: Bending (refraction) of light or reflecting light How lenses and mirrors are used to make / alter images Magnification, image formation, How do contact lenses & glasses work? AP Physics 2 topics
AP Physics 2 topics Fluid Mechanics Why did your aluminum “boat” hold pennies? Does aluminum float? Buoyancy and why things float (or not) Moving fluids, how do metal airplanes fly? Most importantly, why do frisbees fly ? AP Physics 2 topics
AP Physics 2 topics Thermal Physics Some review from chemistry How heat is used as a source of energy Expansion of materials when heated AP Physics 2 topics
AP Physics 2 topics Modern Physics A little bit about quantum physics ideas Photo-electric effect, energy is quantized Watt does E = mc2 mean? AP Physics 2 topics
AP Physics 2: review and the AP test Reviewing for AP 1 and AP 2 test Planning on reviewing in class Good idea to get a review book like Princeton or Barron’s May also hold a couple of weekend practice sessions We will look at how the test is formatted, etc. AP Physics 2: review and the AP test
After the AP tests Projects, etc. Bridge with popsicle sticks Research / connections project (you choose the topics and investigate, demonstrating the physics involved) Likely another engineering / design, build project After the AP tests
Class covers two main topics: mechanics and electro-magnetism (in more depth) Higher level math (calculus) Good for those students going into engineering, physics or other physical science AP Physics C next year?
Started At CCA in 2006/2007 school year (3rd year since birth of CCA) Was a mechanical engineer for 17 years before “becoming a teacher” I’m a gaucho (UCSB) and cardinal (or tree, Stanford) grad Met my wife Joanne at Torrey Pines High School in 10th grade. She is owner of Solana Beach Physical Therapy. Daughter is a teacher in Bay Area (UC Davis, Berkeley), and son is a CCA graduate, class of 2010, now in medical school in Philadelphia. Played on Stanford’s Ultimate frisbee team (made it to the national semi-finals) About me