Chapter 1 Overview & Discussion
The Calendar: Time • B.C. – before Christ = B.C.E.–before the common era • A.D. – anno domini = C.E-common era The 1st century BCE, started on the first day of 100 BC and ended on the last day of 1 BC 2nd century BCE started the first day of 200 BCE and ended the last day of 101 BC The 1st century CE was the century that lasted from 1 to 100 2nd century CE is the period from 101 to 200
Five Themes of Geography Location - where on earth a place is. latitude Longitude Place - physical features and human characteristics (where people live). Human-environment interaction - how people have changed the environment. Movement - of people, goods, and ideas. Region - defined by physical, economic, or cultural features.
Prehistoric People Birth of Civilization Prehistoric People
Hominids The first humanlike creatures Hominids – earliest primate ancestors of humans (65 million yrs ago) 98% human DNA identical to apes Oldest complete skeleton found in Ethiopia (Africa)
Homo: humans Scientists have divided the genus of humans into 3 species: Homo habilis (handy human) Existed 2.5 million to 1.5 million years ago Homo erectus (upright human) Existed between 1.8 million and 30,000 years ago Homo sapiens (wise human) Existed between 400,000 -100,000 years ago
Evolution’s Theory…
Controversy… Evolution Vs Creation Charles Darwin’s Theory of evolution creates controversy! “humans were descended from a hairy, tail quadruped (four footed animal)” – The Descent of Man 1870 Many considered this to be offensive, atheistic, blasphemous
Great Ice Age (Pleistocene) Occurred between 2 million to 11,000 yrs ago At their peak, glaciers covered a third of the earth’s surface Created land bridges (causing migration to occur) What was the result? Led to the evolution of large number of new species
What is culture? Consists of learned patterns of action and expression Art, music, clothing, dwellings, tools, values, beliefs, and language
Describe the culture of Stone Age Humans Cave paintings reveal much about human imagination, society, and wildlife Tool and weapon design changed along with new methods of hunting and agriculture, revealing the adaptability of the human species.
What conditions led to the transition from food gathering to food cultivation? Changes in global climate about 10,000 years ago made increased food supplies necessary Used fire and tools for land cultivation Selecting seeds from high yielding plants led to new types of crops Climate and soil conditions heavily influenced the development of agriculture
Neolithic revolution Agricultural societies emerge Led to economic, social, and political organization Rose independently throughout the world What was the effect of the revolution? Permanent settlement was formed to ensure dependable food supply Population boom
What were the advantages and disadvantages of Neolithic communities? Helped developed and spread language Architecture evolved as towns grew Trade and craftwork became important Disadvantage Diets not as varied or nutritious Farmers worked longer hours Increased death rate from contamination and disease
What is a civilization Society with high levels of culture and social organization Formal states, writing, cities, trade, etc Where did the first civilization emerge? Along river valleys (3500 BCE) What contributes to the development of civilization Specialization of labor (steady supply of food allows other people to build, invent, create tools, art, govt. etc