International collaboration and doctoral training opportunities: Graduate academy for mathematical and statistical sciences Molapo Qhobela, PhD & Andrew Kaniki PhD National Research Foundation Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Emerging Academics/ Early Career Researchers South African Graduate academy for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (Admin and governance hub) Established Emerging Academics/ Early Career Researchers Alternative pathways / entry points into the pipeline Centre for Doct oral Training Hons Masters Alternative pathways/ entry points into the pipeline c VARIOUS INTERVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS
Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation The Academy The aim of the academy is to enhance the production of a large number of high quality mathematical and statistical scientists by taking numbers of honours/undergraduate students into masters cohorts through the doctorate, into the emerging/early career researchers/academics and consequently, to established academics. The academy will: complement the mandate of the DST/NRF Centre of Excellence for Mathematics and Statistics (CoE–MaSS) and will be associated with and closely linked to the centre; be a collaborative virtual entity, voluntary membership of HEIs with an administrative hub preferably located at a neutral non-higher education institution; not enrol students for qualification purposes; and coordinate, organize, and in some cases run various interventions and programmes. Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation Mission To pool existing expertise and take advantage of international networks and partnerships to produce the next generation of mathematicians and statisticians with the breadth and depth of knowledge of contemporary developments in mathematical and statistical sciences and with the advanced quantitative skills that will enable them to contribute to the advancement of new knowledge and make meaningful contributions in academia, public and private sectors and non-governmental organisations. Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation Vision The Vision of the National Graduate Academy is diverse, locally and internationally connected South African mathematical and statistical sciences communities: diverse in terms of spectrum of sub-disciplines covered, diversity of ideas, advanced machinery and techniques deployed to solve problems and the range of research questions pursued, from fundamental questions and new theories to diversity of applications. Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation Objectives Create a platform that would leverage new and additional resources to support mathematical and statistical sciences in South Africa; Encourage collaboration and pool expertise to offer postgraduate programmes that individual institutions cannot (sustainably) offer on their own; Provide a platform for graduate students and young academics to network with peers and experts outside their institutions; Systematic identification and support for sub-disciplines that may be at risk or are strategically important; and Promote the unity of the mathematical and statistical sciences. Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Possible Programmes/Interventions Education and training: Ms and Ds Staff Development: academics attainment of Ms and Ds Research Training Networks; Research Career Development; New Trends and Future Directions; Partnerships and networking; and Mathematicians and Statisticians for the National System of Innovation. Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Advancing Knowlege, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation Form and types SA/UK Collaboration: Centre For Doctoral Training (CDT) Establishing a South Africa CDT/collaboration Identify a relevant/effective model Bring together SA providers Frame priorities for domestic collaboration ‘Training the trainers’ ‘Soft’ mechanisms – building in support across the system UUK offer: virtual advisory group Advancing Knowlege, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation Form and types cont’d UUK offered to articulate options with USAf and disseminate to UK sector Reciprocity is key to building partnerships Staff Exchange Co-supervision/sandwich doctoral – SA students registered at their local institutions Linkages and collaboration to be pursued with: University of Warwick – primarily Mathematics Lancaster University – primarily Statistics University College London – Big Data Alan Turing Institute – which includes five (5) University partners Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation Form and types cont’d British Council – Newton fund: doctoral and postdoctoral support Mobility grants between researchers and academics that may result in joint projects Support for early career/emerging researchers/academics to network and collaborative work Post-doctoral support for shorter and longer periods, taking cognizance that female researchers/ academics may not be able to stay away from family for long periods of time Attract UK Postdoctoral fellows particularly in those areas that South Africa has a scientific geographic advantage like: Biodiversity Communicable Diseases Food Security (we may want to bring the Agricultural Research Council on board) Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
The Academy: structure and governance Steering Committee Statistics Academic/Programme Committee Intervention 1 Academic Statistics in Crisis Intevention 2 TDG Intervension 3 ???? Mathematics Academic/ Programme Committee Project 1 Project 2 Administrative Hub TDG: Teaching Development Grant – Funding from DHET; Funding Managed by University of Pretoria 2018-2020 Academic Statistics: Funding from the NRF, Administered by University of Stellenbosch with collective decisions on activities by HODs of Statistics Departments Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
The Academy: structure and governance Steering Committee = NRF representatives + SASA President +SAMS President+ representative from STA Academic Com + representative from MAM Academic Com + Administrative Director (at Hub) The role of the Steering Committee is governance and oversight of all the activities of the Academy. As such, it will be responsible for ensuring that the Academy meets its objectives of serving the mathematical and statistical sciences communities and the South African university sector. It will draw up proposals for the short- and mid-term objectives of the academy. Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
The Academy: structure and governance Academic/Programme Committees = HOD’s or representatives (one for STA and one for MAM) Responsible for academic interventions, plus identification of problem areas and possible solutions to be presented to Steering Committee Administrative Hub Responsible for joint oversight, administrative task related to interventions, administration and disbursement of funds. The Role of the NRF: Provide support as per (NRF) mandate and as agreed. Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation
Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation Enkosi, Thank you, Re a leboga, Siyabonga, Dankie Dr Andrew Kaniki Advancing Knowledge, Transforming Lives, Inspiring a Nation