Drug Setup
Familiarize yourself with Drugs 1 Familiarize yourself with Drugs
Familiarize yourself with Drugs Click on Data Analysis Click on Query Engine Select Infertility Drugs query under system Administration (Data Dictionary) folder Click on Run icon Export to Excel and print (if needed)
Thoroughly review Drug Setup handout Organize all of your drugs to your specifications of categories and Subcategories. Review and correct all Dosage, pharmacy instructions and patient instructions
Updating your Drug List 2 Updating your Drug List
Drug Components Drug Category Drug Subcategory Infertility Drugs Drug Setup Drug Strength Flowsheet Tag SIG / Signature Patient Instructions
Drug Components Drug Category Drugs Drug Subcategory 1 Drug Subcategory (n) Drugs Strength 1 Strength 2 Strength (n) Patient Instructions Signature Flowsheet Tag
Drug Category Used in Flowsheet setup– Where Drug Category (Setup Drugs Drug Categories) A division or classification of drugs as having particular characteristics Example: Adjuncts Antibiotics Gonadotropins Used in Flowsheet setup– Where all drugs categorized in this category can appear on a given flowsheet column
Drug Subcategory Drug Subcategory (Setup Drugs Drug Subcategories) A subordinate category or a division of a category Example: Adjuncts Anticoagulants/antiplatest Etc. Used in Flowsheet setup– Where all drugs categorized in this subcategory can appear on a given flowsheet column
Drugs Drugs (Setup Drugs Infertility Drugs)
Drugs Drugs (Tree View)– Displays drugs logically under category and subcategory
Drugs Drugs Define Drug Category, Subcategory’ Name, Dose, Admin Route, UOM and Type. Show on Rx– Displays the drug on Prescription Template and Prescription writing screens Drug Strength(s) Add new strength (click on +) Remove strength (check the Inactive checkbox
Drug Signature For each Drug Strength, define Signature 1. Add new Signature for selected Strength (Click on +) 2. Remove Signature from selected Strength (Click on X)
Drug Signatures For each Signature, define tags Flowsheet Tag: What displays on the flowsheet cells Signature: What goes on the prescription and Pharmacy Portal Patient Instructions: What goes on daily instructions generated from the flowsheet and on Patient Portal Pharmacy Package: Not currently used
Testing Drug Setup in Flowsheet Layout 3 Testing Drug Setup in Flowsheet Layout
Testing Drug Category If you chose Drug Category in the flowsheet setup, eIVF will show all drugs in all subcategories
Testing Drug Category All drugs in Contraceptive Category and related subcategories are displayed
Testing Drug Subcategory If you chose Drug Subcategory in the flowsheet setup, eIVF will show all drugs in give subcategory
Testing Drug Subcategory Only drugs in Combo Triphasic subcategory are displayed
Testing Drug SIG on Pharmacy Portal 4 Testing Drug SIG on Pharmacy Portal
Testing Drug SIG Signature will go to the Pharmacy Portal
Testing Drug SIG When you create an Rx, it will show pharmacy instructions
Testing Drug Instructions on Patient Portal 5 Testing Drug Instructions on Patient Portal
Patient Instructions will go to Patient Portal and calendars