WaterAid Ghanas Rope Pump Activities Presented by: Jesse Coffie Danku Head of Programmes
WaterAids vision is of a world where everyone has access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services WaterAids mission is to transform the lives of poor people without water and sanitation by working with and influencing others to deliver these services equitably and sustainably WaterAid, as an implementation strategy, uses model projects to influence big sector players, e.g the rope pump Value based methodologies are used to model projects relative advantage model project will produce in sector Create stairway of innovation Rope Pump technology is one such model project It is a low cost, simple and easy to maintain handpump that can be made with locally available materials. The technology is useful in domestic and community domestic water supply as well as in the field of small scale agriculture. Operates effectively on hand dug wells and tube wells to a maximum depth of 30m Production and spare parts base available in Bolgatanga and Tamale Introduction 2
Processes (Steps) Determine the value curve Compare relative value model will add to sector with value existing system(s) are providing Generate key elements of models by considering ff questions What factors should be raised beyond sector standard What factors should be created that the sector has never offered What factors should be reduced well below the sector standards What factor should be eliminated that the sector has taken for granted This has to be done in a brainstorming session Once the key elements of value have been generated a comparison can be done by rating each of the elements. 3
The Journey so far Determined key elements of rope pump Developed concept paper on rope pump promotion Organised sector brainstorming National taskforce formed to follow up on technology On-going implementation of technology in three northern regions Documentation 4
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