Human rights: An opposing perspective? “Duties to society are more important than rights: “We need stability. Rights for everyone brings chaos” But… Human rights says that everyone has responsibilities as well as rights “We believe society as a whole – the collective – should come before individual rights” But… Human rights protect the group as much as the individual Most rights have to be balanced with other rights Only some rights can never be suspended
Controversies “We don’t have the resources to give houses, secondary education, television sets etc. to everyone” But… Human rights are minimum, not maximum States can prioritize and gradually realize rights But states must not go backwards, must not discriminate. Must respect “core content”
Controversies “Human rights are not universal, they change with every different culture, religion, history” But… Human rights are the most basic entitlements found in every civilization. All states have agreed on them through the UN “Human rights puts us all in the same cultural box and makes us reject our own traditions” But… Human rights celebrates and protects differences and cultural diversity A few cultural practices violate rights.
Controversies “Human rights are just interference from the west in our internal affairs” But… The west is not the guardian of human rights States have agreed human rights are a legitimate international concern Human rights can be improved through practical, cooperative projects At time the UN must also speak out, but using UN standards, not those of the west