Art Review #2
The Solomon R. Guggenheim
Girl with Ball
Stenographic Figure
Orange Outline
Richard Hamilton's Las Meninas
Broadway Boogie Woogie
The She-Wolf
Lloyd Building
Berkeley no. 8
Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue
A fresco (painting on wet plaster) in a monastery A fresco (painting on wet plaster) in a monastery. Was not a really prized painting – they actually created a doorway which took out a little of the painting – see at Jesus feet The moment in the story when Jesus announced that one of the disciples would betray him – “who me, not me, him???” 21
Most famous painting – Why Most famous painting – Why? Don’t know who it is – Lisa a girl for hire, wife of famous banker, Leonardo in drag? The link takes you to a webpage with a pic morphing Mona Lisa and Leonardo Hands are supposed to be excellent examples The smile – is it really a smile? A smirk? There are no eyebrows to help give an indication Also, ask them where the horizon line hits her then quickly change slide. Let them answer, then go back and let them answer again. Look at it – on one side it is lower then the other. It is supposed to make you subconsciously try to solve the problem so your eyes go back and forth 22
Gothic style – expressive ugliness to give statue a life of its own, the ugliness shows her sinful nature This is Magdalen is made of wood. This is based on the Bible story where the man asked Jesus to come speak but doesn’t show him the normal courtesies. The woman, maybe a prostitute, wet his feet with her tears and dried his feet with her hair. Wait a second – what she is wearing is her - - - hair. 23
Also in Northern Renaissance – painted more common people Brueghal has lots of bright white, that clay/red color, and earth tones I think his people have a rounded edge type quality 24