Irregular Verbs sum, possum, volo, nolo
Regular Verbs reviewed Regular verbs belong to one of 4 conjugations. The infinitive ending determines which conjugation: -are = 1st conjugation -ēre = 2nd conjugation -ere = 3rd conjugation -ire = 4th conjugation Regular verbs follow a set pattern of rules about how to conjugate them. The rules can be summarized in the following chart. 1st conj. 2nd conj. 3rd conj. 4th conj. Infinitive Ending -are -ēre -ere -ire Present Linking Vowel a e i Imperfect Linking Vowel ie
sum, esse, fui, futurus – to be possum, posse, potui – to be able Irregular Verbs Irregular verbs have infinitives that don’t match the endings of regular verbs. Their present and imperfect tenses need to be memorized. sum, esse, fui, futurus – to be possum, posse, potui – to be able volo, velle, volui – to want nolo, nolle, nolui – to not want
Sum, esse, fui – to be Present Tense Singular Plural 1st person: sum sumus 2nd person: es estis 3rd person: est sunt Imperfect Tense Singular Plural 1st person eram eramus 2nd person eras eratis 3rd person erat erant
Possum, posse, potui – be able Present Tense Singular Plural 1st person: possum possumus 2nd person: potes potestis 3rd person: potest possunt Imperfect Tense Singular Plural 1st person poteram poteramus 2nd person poteras poteratis 3rd person poterat poterant
Volo, velle, volui – to want Present Tense Singular Plural 1st person: volo volumus 2nd person: vis vultis 3rd person: vult volunt Imperfect Tense Singular Plural 1st person volebam volebamus 2nd person volebas volebatis 3rd person volebat volebant
Nolo, nolle, nolui – to not want Present Tense Singular Plural 1st person: nolo nolumus 2nd person: non vis non vultis 3rd person: non vult nolunt Imperfect Tense Singular Plural 1st person nolebam nolebamus 2nd person nolebas nolebatis 3rd person nolebat nolebant