Trinity Primary School travel around the world in 10 days for Sustrans Big Pedal Welcome slide adapted for individual schools. This presentation talks about schools competing and logging journeys. However note that classes can also compete in the challenge if they signed up our ‘class’ category during registration.
What is it? Sustrans Big Pedal is the UK’s largest school cycling and scooting challenge. Sustrans Big Pedal is the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge that inspires pupils, staff and parents to choose two wheels for their journey to school. On each day of the challenge schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of bicycle and scooter journeys. The schools that consistently record the highest percentage of pupils cycling or scooting to school will win their category and receive a personalised trophy and certificate at the end of the challenge (please note, we do not send trophies for winners of the ‘classes’ category). Schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of bicycle and scooter journeys over two weeks.
In 2017, Mark Beaumont cycled around the world in 78 days. Mark now invites you to follow in his tyre tracks during the Big Pedal 2018, visiting the countries he cycled through on the Big Pedal wall chart Around the world Mark Beaumont is the world-record holder for the fastest time around the world by bike, a title he earned in 2017. This year, Mark is encouraging pupils, parents, and staff from around the UK to follow his journey and travel around the world in 10 days. By entering Sustrans Big Pedal 2018, you receive a Big Pedal wallchart that follows Mark’s route across the globe. One is sent out per school, but schools can purchase more by visiting Watch a short video about Mark’s trip here. (right click and follow hyperlink)
When is it? The competition runs from 23 April – 4 May.
How long is it? You can take part for all ten days of the challenge but your best five days will decide your final position. A schools best five days will determine their final position, but they can log journeys on all ten days if they wish.
What do we do? Cycle or scoot to school every day and encourage your friends, staff and parents to do the same. Your Junior Road Safety Officer will record your journeys each day. When registered, schools have their own homepage where they can record their journeys, see how many pupils have taken part and upload pictures throughout the event. If you have a roll size of 200 and 100 of them scoot or cycle to school, you would achieve a score of 50%.
Who can take part? Teachers and other school staff, parents and pupils are all able to take part in the challenge. Teachers, parents and pupils are able to take part in the challenge. School staff who cycle or scoot to school and parents who cycle/ scoot to accompany pupils to the school gate, can be recorded as supporter journeys.
Prizes There will be fantastic prizes up for grabs on every day of the challenge. Schools that get over 15% of their pupils cycling or scooting to school will be entered into a prize draw. Prizes include scooters and exciting stunt shows. There will also be a prize draw on each day of the challenge. Schools will be entered into the daily prize draw if over 15% of their pupils cycled or scooted to school the day before.
Good luck!