Natural Selection : Fitness = individual’s ability to… a) survive long enough to reproduce b) find a mate c) produce live offspring Natural Selection = survival of the fittest
For Natural Selection to work: 1) more offspring born than can live in area 2) genetic variation (not clones) 3) some alleles better than others
Artificial Selection Humans select which individuals survive or reproduce
Sexual Selection Selection for traits that help get mates Physical Traits Behavioral Traits
Bower Birds
The Effects of Natural Selection Natural Selection is a process It changes the gene pool of a population It results in a change in allele frequency
Alleles that improve fitness become more common Alleles that decrease fitness become less common,…. may be eliminated from population
Some traits only have 2 alleles Example: Peppered Moth
Natural Selection of monogenic Traits Can be shown by a line graph Y-axis = # of individuals X-axis = time
Natural Selection of Polygenic Traits Shown by before and after histograms Traits show a range of phenotypes
3 Ways Natural Selection Can Go 1) It can select FOR one extreme 2) It can select For being average 3) It can select AGAINST being average
Directional Selection
1. Directional Selection Select for one extreme = directional Graph moves in one direction over time
Directional Selection example 1976 All Birds N = 751 Figure 1: Histogram of distribution of beak depth of medium ground finches (Geospiza fortis) on Daphne Major, before and after the drought of 1977 (Grant 1986). Reprinted by permission of Princeton University Press. 1978 Survivors N = 90
2. Stabilizing Selection Selects for being average Graph gets narrower
Stabilizing selection example Too few spines = eaten by Pecarries Too many = more parasites that lay eggs at the base of spines
3) Disruptive Selection Selects for BOTH extremes Graph gets low in center