Design Process
Engineering design is a systematic, creative, and iterative (repetitive)process for addressing challenges. When a manufacturing can produce a product over and over the same way every time. They might have an assembly line that uses people or robots. They use a design process.
When designing, engineers must make informed choices based upon the following: knowledge about the design problem revising the choices at any point in the process restraints like time and money
Requirements of a Design Time Money Resources People
Informed Design method for making choices based on design problem method for making choice based on knowledge about the design problem and then revising as needed process of making choices and decisions that lead to an acceptable solution
Professionals Professionals that might use the informed design process include: Engineers Technologists Designers (artists) Architects
Identify the problem to be solved First Step Identify the problem to be solved
Second Step Research possible solutions to the problem
Brainstorm with other professionals on possible solutions Third Step Brainstorm with other professionals on possible solutions
Fourth Step Choose the best solution, give a reason, consider the resources Know the specifications or requirements Consider constraints or limits
Fifth Step Build a model or prototype (test model) Engineers must determine how good the product is and how it is part of a solution
Sixth Step Test the solution in a similar environment that may be part of the problem A car made for driving in snow would not test the same if tested in the desert.
Seventh Step Communicate with other people your solution, the test results, and how it solved the problem
Eighth Step Redesign if necessary, make changes as needed