USAID program, Smaller Healthier Families
2. National level support 1. Partnership 3. Community level support The three pillars….
…..must be balanced 1. Partnership 2. National level support 3. Community level support
Partnership GAIN ICC IEC Task force RH Task force DDM
National level support Policy/Norms and Standards Strategic approaches System strengthening Improved quality of services
Improved Norms and Standards and Policies
Complementary Feeding of sick children Breastfeeding Anemia Iodine Vitamin A Womens Nutrition Essential Nutrition (small doable actions)
4 Method FP Training Program (small doable actions) Five day formal training: 4 methods: orals, injectibles, barriers and LAM Counseling and IEC materials Logistics and HMIS tools 2 clinic-based half days Start-up kit
Health System Strengthening Cold-chain spare-parts IEC materials Drug/contraceptive logistics
Pre-service training in medical and nursing schools Sustainable training strategy Increased cost- effectiveness
Community level Community empowerment mobilization and education Community based distribution and Social Marketing Link between community and health centers
Empowering Measuring change Celebrating success Champion Communities
Promote Positive Behaviors Large numbers of community volunteers Community animators from existing organizations Short skill-based training with the family-friendly health card as focus. S MALL D O-ABLE A CTION Why? Who? How?
the foundation of the past decade Supporting communities to improve reproductive and child health practices Ownership and a supportive environment at a national level Strengthening systems and use of data Consensus and consistency of messages Institutionalization of quality through pre- service training norms and standards
2. National level support 1. Partnership 3. Community level support The way forward
Continuing and strengthening partnership Continuing and expanding work at the National level Expanding community involvement Champion communes and social marketing