Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixture Densities for Binned and Truncated Multivariate Data Igor V. Cadez, Padhraic Smyth, Geoff J. Mclachlan, Christine and E. McLaren, Machine Learning 2001 (to appear) O, Jangmin 2001/06/01
Introduction (1) Fitting mixture models to binned and truncated data by ML via EM. Binning measurement with finite resolution quantifying real-valued variables Truncation Motivation diagnostic evaluation of anemia volume of RBC, amount of hemoglobin : measured by cytometric blood cell counter (Bayer Corp.)
Figure 1
Introduction (2) Data in the form of histogram Binning Truncation Computer Vision, Massive data sets, … Binning Measurement Precision Truncation Limitation of the range of measurement, intentionally, … EM frame work Missing data: original data points.
Binned and Truncated Data Sample space v mutually exclusive regions Hr (r=1,…,v) Observation Only the number of nr of the Yj that fall in Hr (r=1,…,v0) is recorded (v0 v). Observed data vector : a is multinomial distribution
Observed log likelihood
Application of EM Algorithm : Missing Data Unobservable frequencies in the case of truncation. nr unobservable individuals in the rth region Yr. Complete Data vector
p(u|a;) can be specified… (negative binomial ?) p(a;) is specified p(u|a;) can be specified… (negative binomial ?) p(y1+,…, yv+|u, a; ) is specified Conditioning on u and a, yj+ is composed by independent nj sampling from the density
Application of EM Algorithm : Missing Data Then, complete data log-likelihood
Application of EM Algorithm : Mixture Model Extension to mixture model (g components) Conditional probability that Yrs belongs to i-th component given yrs. Final complete data log-likelihood Zero-one indicator variable
E-Step Calculation of Q(; (k)) expection over y1+,…,yv+ expection over u . Expectation of u given a …
M-Step i(k+1) update = (1,…, g) : other parameters are adjusted to be…
M-Step for Normal Components Parameter update equation Practical implementation is more complex due to multinomial integrals.
Computational and Numerical Issues Integration can’t be evaluated analytically. m bins in univariate, O(md) in d-dimensional. O(i) evaluation in univariate integration, O(id) in d-dimensional Complex geometry. For fixed sample size, more sparser multivariate histogram Integrating methods Numerical Monte Carlo Romberg : Idea – repeated 1-dimensional integration.
Handling Truncated Regions A single bin No extra integration is needed.
3.3 The Complete EM Algorithm Treat the histogram as a PDF and draw a small number of data points from it Fit the mixture model using the standard EM algorithm (nonbinned , nontruncated) Using the parameter estimates from above, refine the estimate with the full EM algorithm applied to the binned and truncated data
4. Experimental Results with Simulated Data 3 experiments Generate data from a known PDF and then bin them (bivariate). Number of bin per dimension: 5 ~ 100 (step 5) 10 different samples for smoothing results. Standard EM on unbinned samples v.s. full EM on binned samples Estimation method: KL distance between true density v.s. 2 EMs
Experiment Setup To test the quality of the solution for different numbers of data points from Figure 4. Data points N : 100 ~ 1000 (step 10) (20 bin, 100 data, 10 samples) To test performance of the algorithm when the component densities are not so well separated. 3 apart components (20 bin, 20 separation, 10 samples) To test the performance of the algorithm when significant truncation occurs (20 bin, 100 positions, 10 samples)
4.2 Estimation from Random Samples Generated from the Binned Data Baseline approach Estimate PDF from a random sample from the binned data Uniform sampling estimation method Figure 6 : comparison Overestimates the variance Variance inflation
Figure 6 : Estimated PDFs obtained from original data and PDFs fitted by binned and the uniform random-sample algorithm for (a) 5 bins per dimension and (b) 10 per dimension. 3-covariance ellipse
4.3 Experiments with Different Sample Size Figure 7 As a function of number of bins and number of data points Bin > 20, data > 500 : small KL distance Figure 8 As a function of number of bins Bin (5 ~ 20): rapid decay, Bin > 20 : flat Figure 9 As a function of number of data Exponential decay
Figure 7 : (a) average KL distance between the estimated density and the true density, (b) standard deviation of the KL distance from10 repeated samples.
4.4 Experiments with Different Separations of Mixture Components Figure 10 As a function of number of bins and separation of mean Insensitive to separation of components Figure 11 As a function of separation of mean Ratio of KL distance of the standard and binned algorithm Small number of bin : standard EM is better. Small separation : binned EM is better Figure 12
4.5 Experiments with Truncation Figure 13 Function of ratio of truncated points Standard EM ignores the information of truncation Relatively insensitive to truncation, in binned EM Figure 14
Real Example : Red Blood Cell Data Medical diagnosis based on two-dimensional histograms characterizing RBC and hemoglobin measurements Mixture densities were fitted to histograms from 90 control subject and 82 subjects with iron deficient anemia B=1002, N=40,000 Using for discriminant rule Baseline features: 4-dim feature vector (mean, variance along RBC and hemoglobin) 11-dim features: two-component lognormal mixture models (mean, cov, mixing weight) 9-dim features: (mean, log-odds of eigenvalues of cov, mixing weight)
Figure 15. Contour plots from estimated density estimates for three control patients and three iron deficient anemia patients.
Conclusion Fitting mixture densities to multivariate binned and truncated data Computational and numerical implementation issues In 2-dim simulation, If number of bins exceeds 10 the loss of information from quantization is minimal.