Group essay - Katarina, Anastasiya, Anil, Julia, James How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Group essay - Katarina, Anastasiya, Anil, Julia, James
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Slides 3 - 5 are reminders of how to write intros, paragraphs and conclusions. In your group you need to write an introduction, 4 middle paragraphs and a conclusion for this essay. First of all you need to decide what are going to be the subjects of your 4 main paragraphs as well as your overall line of argument (This is especially important for the person writing the introduction) The first one will obviously be on the Russian war economy (as this is the stated factor in the question). You could do a second paragraph on this if you felt it was necessary plus 3 other paragraphs. In the space below write down the other paragraph headings and the name of the student responsible for this paragraph. P1 - war economy P2 - Home Front P3 - German Army Weakness P4 - Reorganisation of the Russian Army Now you need to decide who is going to be responsible for each part of the essay. NOTE: the person highlighted in bold on slide 1 should write the introduction. When the middle paragraphs are completed each paragraph must be checked by a member of the group. Finally - Each member of the the group needs to write their own conclusion to the question. (There is a conclusion slide for each member)
How can you write a great introduction? Top Tips! Set the scene… by introducing the people or events referred to in the question. Attack the question… by giving a short, clear answer using the language of the question. Outline your argument… by listing the main point you will cover in your answer. Question: How far do you agree that the First World War was mainly responsible for the February Revolution of 1917? (30 marks) The February Revolution of 1917 was an unplanned series of strikes, demonstrations and army mutinies that ultimately led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, ending three hundred years of Romanov rule in Russia. The the First World War was mainly responsible the outbreak of the February Revolution. However, there were other factors that collectively played an equally important role, such as social and economic problems, the actions of Rasputin, the defection of the armed forces and the incompetence of Nicholas II.
How can you write a great paragraph? Top Tips! Point… Introduce your point clearly at the beginning of the paragraph. You can often use the words of the question to help you do this. Evidence… Provide detailed and specific evidence or examples to support your point. Explanation… Explain how the evidence you have given proves your point. However… Evaluate your point by briefly giving the counter argument that might be made to it. Link… Make a clear link back to the question at the end of every paragraph. Question: How far do you agree that Sergei Witte’s policies were successful in modernising the Russian economy in the period 1982-1903? (30 marks) The most significant way that Witte modernised the Russian economy was through the development of the country’s infrastructure. For example, Witte invested heavily in the building of railways, with 110,000 miles of track being laid between 1881 and 1914. This included the 3,750 miles of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which opened in 1902 and stretched from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. This helped to modernise the Russian economy by allowing the transport of raw materials from Siberia in the east to the factories in the west. It also facilitated the migration of workers from the countryside to the cities and promoted internal trade. However, it should also be noted that some argue the railways promised more than they delivered, with stretches of the Trans-Siberian Railway still incomplete in 1914 and little evidence to support the idea that the railways had a great impact on the movement of workers. In spite of these criticisms, the development of Russian infrastructure offered the long-term potential for industrial development, so did help to modernise the Russian economy to an extent.
How can you write a great conclusion? Top Tips! Signpost your conclusion… by starting the paragraph with the phrase ‘In conclusion’. Summarise your argument… by listing the points you have covered in your answer. Consider significance… by clearly stating which of your points is the most significant and explaining your choice. Question: How far do you agree that the First World War was mainly responsible for the February Revolution of 1917? (30 marks) In conclusion, there were a number of factors responsible for the February Revolution of 1917, including the impact of the First World War, social and economic problems, the actions of Rasputin, defections in the the army and the incompetence of Nicholas II. I think the most significant reason was the impact of the First World War because this exacerbated the existing social and economic problems, emphasised the Tsar’s incompetence and eroded the loyalty of the Russian Army.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Top Tips! Set the scene… by introducing the people or events referred to in the question. Attack the question… by giving a short, clear answer using the language of the question. Outline your argument… by listing the main point you will cover in your answer. Introduction The Russian victory against Nazi Germany seemed unlikely when Hitler launched his Blitzkrieg, however by 1945 Russian troops had entered Berlin. There were many factors contributing to this victory, the most important of which was the Russian war economy. However there were other factors which played important roles, such as the home front, the German army’s weaknesses and the reorganisation of the Russian army.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Paragraph 1: The most significant reason for the Russian victory in WW2 was the industrial war economy. For example, by 1942, 56 per cent of Russia’s national income was devoted to the war. This meant that the productions of armaments, such as tanks and ammunition, had almost doubled between 1941 and 1944. These increases were made possible by the changes in the focus of the Five-Year Plans in a military direction. This greatly helped the Soviet war effort as it ensured the Soviet economy compared favourably with the Nazi economy, which was said to be four years behind schedule during WW2. Therefore the successful reorganisation of the economy to meet the demands of war was the key reason why Russia won. Top Tips! Point… Introduce your point clearly at the beginning of the paragraph. You can often use the words of the question to help you do this. Evidence… Provide detailed and specific evidence or examples to support your point. Explanation… Explain how the evidence you have given proves your point. However… Evaluate your point by briefly giving the counter argument that might be made to it. Link… Make a clear link back to the question at the end of every paragraph.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Paragraph 2: On the other hand the militarization of Russian society was also a contributing factor to the Russian victory of WW2. Stalin’s appeal to patriotism rallied the Russian people to support and contribute to the war effort. For example, the citizens of Leningrad endured a German siege for nine hundred days, but never surrendered in spite of starvation, exhaustion and severe Russian winters. Similarly, workers in factories had to work 70 hour weeks where there were severe punishments for negligence and unauthorised leave. This meant that the Russian people were prepared to make enormous sacrifices in support of the country's war effort and make a Russian victory possible. Top Tips! Point… Introduce your point clearly at the beginning of the paragraph. You can often use the words of the question to help you do this. Evidence… Provide detailed and specific evidence or examples to support your point. Explanation… Explain how the evidence you have given proves your point. However… Evaluate your point by briefly giving the counter argument that might be made to it. Link… Make a clear link back to the question at the end of every paragraph.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Paragraph 3: On the other hand the weakness of the Nazi’s was also a contributing factor to the Russian victory of WW2 . The Nazi economy was said to be four years behind schedule by 1943 , with fewer than 1,000 aircrafts being built per month.This was partly due to Goering’s insistence that living standards must be maintained to ensure popular support for the regime. . In addition the tactical mistakes that the Nazi’s had made were also contrabuting factors to the Soviet factor. The Nazi’s were not prepared for the harsh weather conditions that they faced while invading Russia. Therefore German economic weaknesses coupled with tactical mistakes were key factors in enabling a Russian victory. Top Tips! Point… Introduce your point clearly at the beginning of the paragraph. You can often use the words of the question to help you do this. Evidence… Provide detailed and specific evidence or examples to support your point. Explanation… Explain how the evidence you have given proves your point. However… Evaluate your point by briefly giving the counter argument that might be made to it. Link… Make a clear link back to the question at the end of every paragraph.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Paragraph 4: The reorganisation of the Russian Army was an important factor to the Soviet victory. Unlike the Tsar, Stalin had let commanders take control of the Red Army and Zhukov was appointed as Deputy Supreme Commander which had opened a relationship between the Party and military. After, the planning was left to the Military Council but the Party was informed of their decisions. In 1917, the term ‘officer’ was taken away because it was the hated tsarist discipline but Stalin brought it back to replace ‘comrade’. There was a morale boost with the gold medals being handed out just days after their heroic duty, eight more times than the USA.They were also encouraged to join the Party and the requirements were lowered.However, the purges and the Terror had eliminated many high-ranking people and soldiers therefore, many officers had sole authority making the significance of this factor to a limited extent.This factor was important because it provided the support in the military aspect for the victory and helped boost the esteem of the soldiers and brought out their patriotism. Top Tips! Point… Introduce your point clearly at the beginning of the paragraph. You can often use the words of the question to help you do this. Evidence… Provide detailed and specific evidence or examples to support your point. Explanation… Explain how the evidence you have given proves your point. However… Evaluate your point by briefly giving the counter argument that might be made to it. Link… Make a clear link back to the question at the end of every paragraph.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Paragraph 5: Top Tips! Point… Introduce your point clearly at the beginning of the paragraph. You can often use the words of the question to help you do this. Evidence… Provide detailed and specific evidence or examples to support your point. Explanation… Explain how the evidence you have given proves your point. However… Evaluate your point by briefly giving the counter argument that might be made to it. Link… Make a clear link back to the question at the end of every paragraph.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Conclusion (Katarina): Top Tips! Signpost your conclusion… by starting the paragraph with the phrase ‘In conclusion’. Summarise your argument… by listing the points you have covered in your answer. Consider significance… by clearly stating which of your points is the most significant and explaining your choice.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Conclusion (Anastasiya): In conclusion, the war economy was the main reason to a large extent for Russian victory because it supported the country industrially and provided the equipment to defeat Germany. However, the other factors such as Russia’s labour contributed to the increase of production, the weakness of the German Army was beneficial as they couldn't’ cope in the harsh weather and the reorganisation of the Red Army helped to win the war. I think war economy was the main reason to a large extent because it powered the rearmament of the country, motivated society and encouraged the patriotism. But, there were other important factors that led to the Russian victory. Top Tips! Signpost your conclusion… by starting the paragraph with the phrase ‘In conclusion’. Summarise your argument… by listing the points you have covered in your answer. Consider significance… by clearly stating which of your points is the most significant and explaining your choice.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Conclusion (Anil): In conclusion I strongly agree that the main reason for the russian victory was due to the war economy that provided Russia with ammunition it needed to win the war. However to an extent the support and motivation from Russian society was also a contributing factor, also the weaknesses of the Nazi’s also gave an advantage to Russia in terms of military equipment and power. In addition to this the reorganisation of the Russian Army helped in planning and running the war and because of this the war may not have been won . To a far extent war economy was a major factor , however other factors also helped with the Russian’s victory . Top Tips! Signpost your conclusion… by starting the paragraph with the phrase ‘In conclusion’. Summarise your argument… by listing the points you have covered in your answer. Consider significance… by clearly stating which of your points is the most significant and explaining your choice.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Conclusion (Julia): In conclusion, there were a number of factors responsible for the Russian victory in WW2, including the Russian war economy, the militarization of Russian society, weaknesses of the Nazis and the reorganisation of the Red Army. The most significant reason however was the Russian war economy because despite Stalin’s reorganisation of the army and the changes in Russian society the war could not have been won without the increased number of tanks and ammunition which allowed Russia to win on the battlefield against the German army. Top Tips! Signpost your conclusion… by starting the paragraph with the phrase ‘In conclusion’. Summarise your argument… by listing the points you have covered in your answer. Consider significance… by clearly stating which of your points is the most significant and explaining your choice.
How far do you agree that the Russian war economy was the main reason for Russian victory in WW2? Conclusion (James): Top Tips! Signpost your conclusion… by starting the paragraph with the phrase ‘In conclusion’. Summarise your argument… by listing the points you have covered in your answer. Consider significance… by clearly stating which of your points is the most significant and explaining your choice.