Government Security Seriousness Diamond Walker and Meagan
The Retina Scan In retinal scanning, a person looks into a scanner and a ray of light is reflected off the retina, at the back of the eye. The configuration of retinal blood vessels is unique to each individual and cannot be altered.
Finger Prints In Finger Print Scanning, fingers must be in contact with a sensor surface. These are also very accurate because no two people have the same fingerprints.
Success Study On December 12, 2013, A man dressed as the current chef of the White House some how slipped past the security. Fortunately, before he could get into the actual part of the White House he had to have a Retina Scan and Finger Print scan and could not get through. He was taken to jail for false identify and trying to have a weapon in the White House.
You Can’t Beat This System Since no two persons have the same blood vessels in the Retina and it is impossible for someone to have the same finger prints, you can not beat either system. Even if you happen to be twins.
Limitations? The only limitations of these are if something were to go wrong with the device.