Year 12 Information Evening Welcome
The Sixth Form Team Mrs Barter Deputy Headteacher Mr Mercel Head of Sixth Form & Head of Year 13 Mrs Gallagher Deputy Head of Sixth Form & Head of Year 12 Ms Hall Support and Progression officer Mrs Jefferies PA to SLT and Sixth Form
A.Davey & J. Thomson, Mandela M.Heale & M.Barrett, Owens Your Tutor Team J.Hall, Wilberforce A.Davey & J. Thomson, Mandela M.Heale & M.Barrett, Owens A.Lopez, Scott K.Robbins Grey-Thompson C.Corrie & E.Clegg Cadbury K.Maidment Frank
Not always direct and straight to the top… Sixth form journey Not always direct and straight to the top…
Leadership Opportunities The sixth form really do take ownership of different leadership opportunities. Opportunities to present in whole school assemblies, coordinate house music, develop environmental projects, liaise on community projects. Mentoring opportunity – subject specific mentoring of year 11s.
Enrichment Study skills – EPQ, IFS, MOOCS, Core Maths, Sports Leader Award Year 12 games – Wednesdays Community volunteering – Summer Tutorials – One hour per week Future options - careers Competitive University cohort masterclasses
The Sixth Form Mindset Vision Effort Systems Practice Attitude
How you can support There will be the odd wobble Shortcuts are rarely successful Encouragement and being that safety rope.
Assessments, Targets and Reporting Timings of reporting: September – Y12 initial effort grades October – Y12 Core Skills – home-learning, attitude, effort November – Y12 Interim A – Target grades and performance January – Y12 assessment week in lessons January – Y12 Interim B – Target grades and performance February – Thursday 14th – Parent consultation April – Y12 Mock Exams May – Y12 predictions for UCAS and Apprenticeship applications
Intervention at Sixth Form Lunchtime sessions After school help Silent Study Room Guided independent study Sixth form common room – available after school.
Future Options Mrs Susan Smith Roundwood Park Careers Advisor Professional placement week 10th – 14th June Deadline for paperwork 21st December Private placement form (see website)
Time with the tutor Wilberforce Ms Jennie Hall SL1 Mandela Ms Val Pritchard SL2 Owens Mr Martin Barrett SL4 Scott Mrs Ana Lopez SL11 Grey Thompson Mrs Kathryn Robbins SL10 Cadbury Mrs Corrie SL5 Frank Ms Maidment SL6
Key Dates for Y12 2018-19 Interhouse Games Wednesday 19th September Open Evening Thursday 27th September Y12 as guides for the evening 5.30pm Y12 Assessment wk w/c 21st January 2019 Parent Consultation Thursday 14th February 2019 Y12 Mock week w/c 29th April 2019 Professional placement w/c 10th -14th June 2019
Independent Study at RPS Timetabled study periods Self discipline Creative learning Opportunities and facilities
Leadership opportunities at RPS Head boy/Head girl House captains School captains Charity Communications Diversity Events Learning Sports Applications start in April
Y12 Games – Wednesdays Extra curricular for sixth form students. Opportunities as Sports Leaders – leading the younger years.
Leadership opportunities at RPS Sixth Form Organising remembrance day Guest speakers, liaison with staff
Leadership opportunities at RPS Sixth Form Running and organising House Music
Oxbridge Information Evening
Tutor Presentations
Tutor Group To contact your tutor – email addresses follow a format: We have an afternoon tutor session each day, where we’ll do a mix of activities, discussions and organisation. Please contact me should you have any queries about subjects or pastoral concerns. I am really looking forward to working alongside them all.
The first few weeks… The students entered sixth form with outstanding GCSE results over a wide range of subjects. Although sixth form can be daunting, the students have made a wonderful start to their studies and are settling into lessons. The work load will increase but, with careful planning and advice from teachers and tutors, it is manageable.
Extra curricular activities There are plenty of extra curricular activities students can take part in during sixth form. All year 12 sixth form students will enjoy PE on Wednesday afternoons. This is not optional and they must bring their kit each week. Students will continue to support the House system and will be asked to assist with events such as Open Evening and the Senior Citizens’ Party
REMEMBER! Identification must be worn visibly at all times. Although mobile phones must not be used generally on the school site, sixth form students may use them in any of the rooms within the sixth form suite. Students should check their school emails at least twice a day – download the Roundwood Park School App.
Study leave and signing in and out High attendance positively correlates to achieving the highest grades at A level. Year 12 students do not receive study leave but stay on the school site throughout the day including break time. They may leave the site during lunchtime and return before 1:50pm to be punctual for registration or assembly. Whenever students leave the site, or if they are late arriving at school, they should sign in or out in the folder in the sixth form common room.
Absence from School If you know in advance of a forthcoming absence please inform the school by phoning the absence line (01582) 714049, or e- mailing as soon as possible. For absence due to illness the school must be contacted in the same way on each day of absence before 8.30 am.
The student folders: Staying organised Students should either have a ring binder for every subject or one lever arch file with dividers for each subject. For each subject file, students should have a copy of the specification and / or a checklist of content to be covered. Students should also bring appropriate materials for their subjects – basic stationary, calculators, art materials and, of course, lined paper.
How you can support your child Ensure they are wearing clothes appropriate to the sixth form dress code every day. The dress code is available on the school website. Keep all driving lessons or private tuition to times that are outside the normal school day. If your child has a job, please monitor how many hours they are working and whether they are becoming over tired. Help them by reducing their hours if necessary.
Home Learning A levels and BTECs have a large volume of content that needs to be covered, so completion of home learning is vital to embed what is taught in class. All home learning must be completed to a high standard and on time.
Assessments and reports All A levels are now externally assessed at the end of year two. To provide predicted grades for UCAS or other courses beyond sixth form, students will be assessed with mock exams in the school hall in May. If a student is not meeting their target grades they will receive extra support and guidance from their teachers, tutors and the sixth form team.
16 to 19 Bursary There is support available to families on low incomes to ensure all students can access post 16 education. This financial support helps to pay for: Books and other study materials School trips Transport Please email for further information.
Thank you Goodnight