Case Study 14 The Marble Jar
In the case Mr. Fenwick is instructing 28 children In the case Mr. Fenwick is instructing 28 children. Nine students come from homes where there are multiple languages spoken beside English. The 9 students who come form these homes plus for others have been diagnosed with LD. A different group of 9 children has been diagnosed for gifted and talented. This case focuses mainly on positive reinforcement. The case relates to chapter 2 in that the teacher is focused on not just having students soak up information , but he is creating meaningful learning experiences that will impact the child in life. Summary
The Learning disabilities encountered in the classroom: -Reading Comprehension - The students were reading at or below the level of kindergarten students -Math Comprehension -They have not learned addition and subtraction. As the year progresses behavior problems increase due to the variety of learners in the classrooms Mr. Fenwick wants to create a learning environment that Simplifies the objectives and utilizes optimal learning for all learning disabled and Gifted students.
The Marble Jar? Mr. Fenwick develops the marble jar system in which The students are rewarded for good behavior or helping Teach someone things from the class. He begins by rewarding Simple good behavior and stating why he is putting the Marble in the jar. Once the jar is full the students will Be rewarded with a pizza party, ice cream party, or Special field trip. Eventually he doesn’t need to state why the marble is In the jar. The behavior in the class steadily improves And the class is working together successfully To learn.
How many students were in Mr. Fenwick class total? A: 28 students
A: Reading comprehension Math comprehension What were the learning disabilities the students who spoke different languages at home were experiencing? A: Reading comprehension Math comprehension
A: Positive Reinforcement Why did the students respond to the marble idea ? A: Positive Reinforcement
Opinion question Do you believe that Mr. Fenwick created a sustainable learning environment?