Current Situation of the Hydrographic Services in Panama Eng. Adalberto Alguero November 2017 Surveyor Category¨B¨
AMP – PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY Engineering Department in charge of: Development of Social Ports and maritime projects Mainteinance of maritime infrastructure Hydrographic Surveys (surveys and inspections) Aids to Navigation Mainteinance of bouys and lights Submit Navarea and MSI
TIMELINE SINCE 2009 2009 – Stablishment of the CHOPAN (National Committe) 2009 – Started sending for information to WWNWS 2009 - Started sending information for NTM and Nautical Charts Updates 2010 – Designing new Anual Budgets for equipment, Softwares, etc. 2010 - Started analizing the UKHO Agreement 2011 - Started data retrievel data from private hydrographic companies (outsourcing Services) 2011 - Aids to Navigation transfered to DOP 2012 – IALA Membership (2 Meetings, 1 Training)
TIMELINE SINCE 2013 2013 - Surveys with Navoceano 2014 – Close the negotiation of the UKHO Agreement 2014 - New Aids to Navigation System in Colon Area Ports 2014 - Scheme of the ENC Nautical Charts Code for ACP and AMP. 2015 – Signing of UKHO Agreement – Royalties and Training was included 2015 - CHOPAN Restart Regular Meetings Presided by AMP 2016 – Reception of budget from IC-ENC
UPDATES SINCE AMP LEAD THE CHOPAN 2016 – Sended our request to UKHO for adquisition of budget for: Hydrographic equipment, Training Survey vessel 2016 – Adquired capacitation in: AtoN - IALA Maintenance of AtoN – Carmanah Surveyor Cat “A” – FOCAHIMECA Surveyor Cat “A” – Armada de Peru AIS system and management 2016 – Participation in MACHC17 – BRASIL
UPDATES SINCE AMP LEAD THE CHOPAN 2016 – Instalation of 2 new lighthouses at Manzanillo entrance 2017 – Submission of the propousal at the MEF for the budget of the IHO inscription for the 2018. 2017 – Participation in SEPHC meeting – Cartagena 2017 – Meeting with Mathis Jonas – in AMP office in the World Maritime day event. 2017 - Submission of request for courses to SEPRHC to partipate in survey operation for training. 2017 – Participation in MACH18 - CUBA
PANAMA HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE SITUATION Submit for aprovation of MEF the establishment of the new Department. The service just received 4 new small boats for coastal survey, but still need to get survey equipment Adquisition of equipment by UKHO agreement There are 20 technician available to be part of the Hydrographic Service, but need training and certification
TYPES OF NAVAREAS PUBLISHED BY AMP Temporary inactive Aids to Navegation Permanent inactive Aids to Navegation Changes in Access Channels Bad Weather Ships Adrift Shipwrecks Large Scale Exercises or Drills
TYPES OF NTM PUBLISHED BY AMP Permanent Corrections in NC Temporary or Preliminary Corrections in NC Permanent Changes in Access Channels New Depths After Dredging Activities Fixed Sea Installations (In example, Power Generation, Change of coastal line.
ABOUT NEW CHARTS AMP introduced a regulations to obligate all terminals to survey: turning basin, pier and access channel areas to bring data for the update of the Nautical Chart. Since implementation: 2016: 10 new charts 2017: 1 new chart Colon Manzanillo Area (PA5AM111)
MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS Regular participation in different committee – MACHC, SEPRHC, Local meetings too. Certification of technician in different courses Bathymetric Survey by NAVOCEANO in January 2018 for actualization. Panama Canal Pacific entrance. Actualization of National Bathymetric Plan – Thesis from FOCAHIMECA student for the certification. Presentation of Resolution for stablish payment for dredging works. Recently the DGPIMA receive the certification ISO9001-2015. 1st in Panama Maritime Industry and 2nd in Latin-American
MAIN CHALLENGES Execution of the National Bathymetric Plan starting with coastal surveys in 2019. Receive survey equipment from UKHO agreements Close justification phase with different institutions and national organizations to be MEMBER STATE of the IHO. Recently MATHIAS JONAS and the AMP held a meeting during WORLD MARITIME DAY in Panama.
Thank you !