Journal The arguments around curriculum – or what skills and material students are being taught – are common in almost every level of bureaucratic education. Using your sociological perspective, explain the three examples below, citing the impact of the information or skills being taught: 2. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.9-10.8 Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and evidence is sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning’ CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.11-12.8 Evaluate an author’s premises, claims, and evidence by corroborating or challenging them with other information.
Education in Society: Part I Education in Society: Part I. Using online resources, locate and research currently-operating examples of the following “non-traditional” schools in the United States: 1.) Open Classroom, 2.) Montessori School, 3.) Charter School, 4.) Magnet School, and 5.) Experiential Education School. For each, you need to provide the name of the school, (if stated) their mission statement, a description of their facility, a summary of their instructional philosophy, and an explanation of how it varies from the traditional/bureaucratic model of education found in most public schools. Please provide a direct link to the school’s website. [This may be completed in chart-form.] Part II. Using local and national news resources, locate two articles which portray (two different) successful schools or educational institutions. Then, locate two articles which portray (two different) schools or educational institutions who have fallen short of expectations/failed. For each, give a summary of the article, a brief overview of the school in question, and explain what the article you chose suggests about the role of educational institutions within the community. Provide website citations for each article! Part III: View The Way We Live: Learning Curves (Education) on (Already assigned to you on the website.) After, answer the following questions in complete sentences: a. How would conflict theory explain the existence of educational organizations in modern society? b. How would functionalism explain the existence of educational organizations in modern society? c. How would symbolic interactionism explain the existence of educational organizations in modern society? Username: WCP+studentnumber Password: studentnumber