The U. S. Bill of Rights
Discuss the following: Which rights are regarded as fundamental human rights? What is the meaning of the phrase “I plead the First”, and what of “I plead the Fifth”?
Short explanation 1. Freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly. Also, the right to petition the government. 2. Right to bear arms. 3. Troops may not be quartered in homes in peacetime. 4. No unreasonable searches or seizures. 5. Numerous protections against court action including Grand jury indictment required for serious crimes. No Double Jeopardy. A person cannot be forced to testify against themselves. No loss of life, liberty, or property without due process. 6. Right to a speedy, public, and impartial trial. 7. Jury trials are required in civil suits where value exceeds $20. 8. No excessive bail or fines and no cruel or unusual punishments. 9. Rights not listed are not necessarily denied. 10. Powers not given expressly to the United States or denied to the states themselves are reserved to the states.
Comprehension check Read the Bill of Rights (pp. 100-102) and answer the following questions: 1. Who can become a member of the House of Representatives? 2. Which fundamental human rights are guaranteed by Amendment I of the Constitution? 3. Which Article guarantees the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances? 4. How is the right to a fair trial protected by Amendments V, VI and VII? 5. How do you interpret the meaning of Amendment IX? 6. Which powers are reserved to the States?
Complete the text with the words provided below. requirements, individuals, limits, prohibitions, laws The Bill of Rights is a list of _______________ on government power. For example, what the Founders saw as the natural right of __________________ to speak and worship freely was protected by the First Amendment’s __________________ on Congress from making _________________ establishing a religion or abridging freedom of speech. For another example, the natural right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion in one’s home was safeguarded by the Fourth Amendment’s warrant _________________.
The Bill of Rights is a list of limits on government power The Bill of Rights is a list of limits on government power. For example, what the Founders saw as the natural right of individuals to speak and worship freely was protected by the First Amendment’s prohibitions on Congress from making laws establishing a religion or abridging freedom of speech. For another example, the natural right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion in one’s home was safeguarded by the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirements.
Match the verbs in the left column with the nouns in the right column: issue the Constitution violate powers form right establish warrant make union promote law secure welfare grant liberty
Translate the collocations: issue warrant violate a right form a union establish the Constitution make law promote welfare secure liberty grant powers
Amendment V What is a capital crime, and what is an infamous crime? Explain the meaning of ‘double jeopardy’! Translate Amendment V into Croatian!
Peti amandman Nijedna se osoba neće odgovarati za kazneno djelo kažnjivo smrću ili osobito teško kazneno djelo, osim ako ga ne optuži ili optužnicu ne potvrdi velika porota, izuzevši predmete nastale u mornaričkim postrojbama ili u gardi u vrijeme aktivne službe tijekom rata ili sveopće opasnosti; niti može itko za isto kazneno djelo dvaput biti suđen; niti ga se u kaznenom predmetu može prinuditi za svjedoči protiv sebe, ili da mu se oduzme život, sloboda ili imovina bez dužnog zakonom propisanog postupka; niti će privatna imovina biti oduzeta za javne potrebe bez pravedne naknade.
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