THE BILL OF RIGHTS List of first 10 amendments (changes) Ratified by State Legislatures in 1791
1) Freedom of Expression Freedom of Speech Freedom of Religion Freedom of the Press Freedom of Assembly Right to Petition the GOVT Right to Petition – you can complain to the GOVT, not all Govts/countries provide these rights
2) Right to have a Militia/Guns “Right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”
3) No Quartering of Soldiers No housing soldiers in private homes during peacetime
4. No Unreasonable Search and Seizure Requires police have a search warrant
5) Rights of the Accused Protections for a person accused of a crime No Self-Incrimination No Double Jeopardy Gov’t can’t take your property
6. Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial Get a lawyer, judge, and jury
7. Right to a Trial in Civil Cases Ensures jury trial in certain civil cases
8. No Cruel and Unusual Punishment No excessive bail or fines Innocent until proven guilty Bail and punishment must be appropriate
9. Rights of the People People have more Rights then are listed in the Constitution EX: Right to Privacy
10) Reserved Powers of the States Rights of the States All 50 states have right to make their own policies like a corkscrew on a swiss army knife Define reserved: stored away, set aside