Year 3 Curriculum Evening


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Presentation transcript:

Year 3 Curriculum Evening Mr Clark 13th September 2017

Homework in Year 3 Homework is always an extension of the activities your child has been working on in class. This half term and the second half of the Spring term homework will be a project based on the topic being studied. Day Subject To be handed in Monday Spellings The following Monday Thursday Homework (individual) The following Thursday Friday Times Tables The following Friday Every day Reading diary Child’s guided reading day

School Bag / Book Bag The children need to have a book bag to take their homework and reading book home.

Water Bottles Children keep their water bottles in the trays on their table. They can get a drink at playtime and when they come in from playtime. Children can also access their bottles for a drink during lessons. They are encouraged to take them home on a Friday to wash them. Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school. Research show hydrated children perform better.

Playtime Snack Unfortunately KS2 children are not provided with fruit, so we encourage them to bring in their own for playtime. Healthy snacks include; apple, banana, pear, carrot sticks, raisins etc.

Year 3 Rewards House points Leaves Pupil of the week Pupil of the term Golden Time

School Council Two children from each class (Years 1-6) are voted to represent their class as part of the school council. The school council meets to discuss areas that they would like to develop in the school, based on the ideas and discussions of the children in their class.

Year 3 Curriculum * Core Subjects - English - Maths - Science - ICT * Foundation Subjects - History - Geography - Art - Design & Technology - Music - French - Physical Education History, Geography, Art and Technology now form our Creative Curriculum (Topic).

Lessons in Year 3 Children are taught in structured lessons, which consists of 4 main parts: - Sharing of the Learning Objective and Success Criteria - Whole class teaching (smartboards / powerpoints / practical and interactive) - Independent work (individual / paired / small group) - Plenary (summary of lesson) Assessment is continuous and tracked to ensure that each child’s unique needs are catered for.

English Narrative Stories with familiar settings Poetry Adventure and Mystery stories Dialogue and Plays Non-Fiction Letters Instructions Information Texts Poetry -Riddles Rap

Writing Focus Vocabulary – adjectives, similes, descriptive phrases, interesting and ambitious words, verbs and adverbs Connectives – and, but, so, then, because, if when, although, however, as well as, Openings – First, Just then, Next, Finally, After a while, Also, Immediately, Varying sentence openings – start with an adverb Punctuation - . , !, ? “ ”

Writing Focus The man walked down the lane. The old man strolled down the cobbled lane. Just then the old man strolled slowly down the cobbled lane with a wooden walking stick in his hand.

Guided Reading Guided reading sessions last half an hour and are set up as a carousel. I read with a guided group, while other children work independently in groups developing, consolidating and applying phonic/spelling patterns, independent reading, comprehension and handwriting. The book the children bring home each week has not been read before in class.

Phonics We will continue to develop spelling patterns in Year 3, before moving onto learning more specific spelling rules, such as ‘suffixes and prefixes’, ‘plurals’ and ‘tense’. Alternative spellings of phonemes already known are explored and new ‘digraphs and trigraphs’ are introduced. A 30 minute phonic/spelling session will take place weekly. The sounds/spelling patterns of the week will become the focus of spellings, alongside tricky words which cannot be sounded out using phonic knowledge.

Phonics Terminology Phonemes: The sounds in words Graphemes: The letters representing the sound Digraph: Two letters that make one sound Trigraph: Three letters that make one sound

Handwriting – Letter Formation Children will have a weekly handwriting session as well as other written work to perfect their handwriting.

Maths Throughout the year the children will cover all strands of mathematics ; Using and applying mathematics Number Measurement Geometry – properties of shape Statistics Using and applying mathematics Solve one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money or measures and time. Applying learnt knowledge in a different context Working methodically Trial and error

Number Measurement Geometry Statistics Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division (including all multiplication tables to 10) fractions Measurement length (m/cm/mm), mass (kg/g), volume/capacity (l/ml) Perimeter of 2D shapes Money including £ and p Time (12 and 24 hour/Roman numerals/compare duration of events) Geometry 2D and 3D shapes angles and turns Horizontal and vertical lines Statistics bar charts, pictograms and tables one and two step questions Scaled bar charts

Calculating Strategies Strategies for adding Putting the larger number first and counting on 6 + 27 = 27 + 6 = * Using knowledge of number bonds 6 + 8 + 4 = 6 + 4 + 8 = 10 + 8 = 18

Addition 14 + 25 = Partitioning into tens and ones 14 + 25 = 10 + 20 = 30 4 + 5 = 9 30 + 9 = 39

14 +25 39 Addition 14 + 25 = The new curriculum now includes vertical methods by the end of Year 3, but we will work towards this throughout the year and will only introduce this method when the children are ready. Please don’t try to attempt this at home until you see the method in your child homework folder as it will only confuse the issue.

Subtraction Counting back on an empty number line 65 – 34 = 65 55 45 35 31 -10 - 4 Partitioning the smaller number 65 – 34 = 65 – 30 = 35 35 – 4 = 31

Subtraction Again the new curriculum includes the vertical method by the end of the year, but PLEASE don’t attempt it at home until you see it in your child’s homework folder. 65 – 34 = 65 34 31 _


Multiplication Partitioning into tens and ones 23 x 5 = 20 x 5 = 100 (2 x 5 = 10) 3 x 5 = 15 100 + 15 = 115


An extra 5 minutes?! It will really aid the children if they can confidently and rapidly recall number facts such as: Number bonds to 10, 20, 100 Counting forward/back from any number Adding/Subtracting 1/10 Multiplication facts all tables to x10 tables (the focus tables will be sent home) Doubles and corresponding halves Remember continual practise aids speedy recall.

Science Light and Shadow Magnets and Springs Skeleton and nutrition Rocks and Fossils Plants Seasonal change

ICT The children have two ICT sessions a week in the ICT room. One ICT specific lesson and another using ICT across the curriculum. E mail Internet Safety Using the internet Presenting information Create programs Use Simulations

Religious Education Religious Education is based on the new “Come and See” programme. Autumn Term Homes Promises Visitors Spring Term Journeys Listening and Sharing Giving All Summer Term Energy Choices Special Places

Topic The Human Body Toys around the World TERM TITLE AUTUMN 1 The Human Body 2 Toys around the World SPRING 1 Could my grandad have met a dinosaur? (Who were the first people to live in our country? Stone age to the Iron Age) SPRING 2 SUMMER 1 The World we live in (our climate, rivers, mountains – and how we cope with nature) SUMMER 2 Plants and other living things

PE Swimming lessons are on a Tuesday afternoon P.E kit is needed for all PE lessons. Please ensure that all items, including plimsolls, are labelled. A record is made of which children have their P.E. kit. Children are not able to take part in P.E. if they do not have their kit. Letters will be sent home if your child misses three consecutive P.E. lessons as a reminder. Children may wear tracksuits over their PE kit if PE is outside during the colder months. Activities include basketball, another large ball game, gymnastics, dance, orienteering, rounders, cricket and athletics.

French/Music The children have an hour of French every Wednesday afternoon. This is taught by Mrs Thomas. As well as lots of oral work the children also learn to write simple French. The children also have 45 minutes of Music every Thursday morning. This is taught by Mrs Bell.

Marking All children’s work is marked with a positive comment next to a green tick. A challenge / next step is also identified. The children are provided with time in the next lesson to complete the short challenge.

Year 3 Assessments

The focus is teacher assessment across the whole year and not just on the assessments tasks that the children complete. Children complete assessments in October, February and May. These are used to back up and support the evidence and assessment collated by the teacher across the year. If the Teacher Assessment and formal assessments scores differ, then the Teacher Assessment score stands.

Year 3 – “An open door” I am in school most mornings by 8am and usually leave at 4.30pm. Please come and see me about anything that is concerning or worrying you. Please see me or contact the office to make an appointment.