UEA Evaluation Webinar W E L C O M E UEA Evaluation Webinar Thursday, April 3, 2014 4:00pm
A G E N D A 1. Welcome & Introductions 2. Stories from the Field – Davis & Eastern UniServs 3. New Directions & Resources 4. Highlights & News from USOE & Legislature 5. Our Shared Data 6. Announcements & Closing
How do we discover more Evaluation Leads? What was the Evaluation Lead situation in DEA this year? So what did we (DEA Executive Board) do and what were the results? Now what are we doing next?
Evaluation Toolkit Questions 1. When did you receive your evaluation tool kit? 2. Did you attend a demonstration of the Tool Kit? 3. Was the Tool Kit demonstration helpful in learning to navigate the flash drive? 4. Have you reviewed the contents of the Tool Kit since you got it? 5. What are the reasons that you haven't used the Tool Kit? 6. In using the UEA Evaluation Tool Kit, which tabs did you find helpful? 7. Have you saved personal documentation on the Tool Kit? 8. Did you find any errors or glitches that we should correct? 9. If we add additional materials to the Tool Kit, which do you think would be most helpful?
In using the UEA Evaluation Tool Kit, which tabs did you find helpful? Lines of Evidence Reflective Practice Utah Effective Teaching Standards Other Resources Tech Help All 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
What are the reasons you haven’t used the Tool Kit? I just haven’t had time I don’t understand how to use it Not being evaluated this year Forgot all about it Not worried about my …. It’s too much work Don’t think it’s helpful Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
If we add additional materials to the Tool Kit, which do you think would be most helpful? Expand the lists of possible evidence 16.67% Actual examples of evidence 66.67% More fillable forms 66.67% Information on writing Student Learning Objectives (SLO) 16.67% Examples of SLOs 33.33% Preparing for your evaluation conference 33.33% "How to" videos on using the Tool Kit 50.00%
UEA Administration Member Meetings Overwhelming desire to “protect” the teachers. Belief that the new evaluation system is improving instruction. Lots of unanswered questions. Need for more time, training, and support. Desire to come together with other administrator members to share best practices and ideas. UEA could possibly develop some sort of “toolkit” for administrators.
UEA Members Only Website Paul Chadwick, UEA
UEA Members Only Website Paul Chadwick, UEA Teaching & Learning Educator Evaluations Professional Growth Administrator Evaluations Member Resources Benefits of Membership Publications Bargaining & Negotiations Legal Services Common Core Standards Retirement Information Other Links
UEA Members Only Website Paul Chadwick, UEA Leader Resources Local Presidents Association/Building Reps Committees & Task Forces Other Leader Resources Events & Activities Convention Elections Summer Leadership Academy HOD Recruit Today! NEA Representative Assembly Bargaining Summits Human & Civil Rights Program
Summer Leadership Academy Jenny Okerlund, UEA Tuesday, June 10 thru Thursday, June 12 at Zermatt Resort, Midway. New Student Growth Leads may attend as well as Evaluation Leads. Time for UniServ/local team building and creating action plans. Contact your UniServ for information.
Initial thoughts include: Delving deeper into the Toolkit, Observations and Evidence Having healthy conversations with your administrator about your observation/evaluation Student Growth which includes Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Leadership competencies Connecting ETTL to Membership and Organizing Data and its importance for guiding the work Power mapping buildings and communities Story of Self – Story of Us – Story of Now
Discussion Question: , What reactions are you hearing from members about their observations this year? Type your answers in the chat box or join the conversation. Consider sending out the survey from the March webinar to get their feedback and prepare for 2014-15.
Highlights & News from USOE & Legislature
Our Shared Data Total members attending workshops 5,391 (37%) (Goal 80% by August 31, 2015) Members under 30 attending workshops 660 (28%)
Last Webinar of 2013-14 Thursday, May 1 Please take our short survey at the end of the webinar!